25 MORE of the Worst Product Names Ever – Vol. II

Time to Fire the Marketing Department

Dang! Ya could run with these bad product names forever! I reckon spell check doesn’t work for translation and common sense. Just awkward and horrible these are! But dang funny and stupid names! Sure some are lost in translation, but some of these funny names are just crazy. And Lordy! The Sexual Innuendos!  Who comes up with these nutty things?


I know it sounds like the name of a Butthole Surfers album… still, ain’t tryin’ it!

Defecation Teas ~ 25 of the Worst Bad Product Names


Taste so big, ya can park a car inside it!

Mega Pussi ~ 25 of the Worst Bad Product Names


At least he’s got a little girth.

mini dickmann's ~ 25 of the Worst Bad Product Names


No, not just any Poo…  Sari Lerat’s Poo! So it’s gotta be good.  She’s the Martha Stewart of Poo!

Stik Tahu Sari Lerat POO ~ 25 of the Worst Bad Product Names


Newly Improved Placenta!  A much better beauty soap than the old Placenta they made from that creepy old Venezuelan cat hoarder lady.

The worst product names ever! Bad products, funny awful fail funny signs names for beauty soaps


I just knew it.  Vindication! I told the wife the first time I bit into a McWrap… “Hey, this tastes like slime!”

 McDonald's McWrap ~ 25 of the Worst Bad Product Names



Ice Cream for homosexual senior citizens?

Golden GayTime Ice Cream ~ 25 of the Worst Bad Product Names


Hey! That’s’ just how my gravely-voiced redneck uncle says it…


Vergina Beer ~ 25 of the Worst Bad Product Names


Shouldn’t that really be called Special NeedsEx Oral Rinse?

Retardex ~ 25 of the Worst Bad Product Names


…looks like it’s already in quarantine.

Golden Circle SARS ~ 25 of the Worst Bad Product Names


“Does tea make you horny, baby?”

Fukang Tea ~ 25 of the Worst Bad Product Names


Damn! Where were you five years ago when my crack first started creeping???!??

Creeping Crack Cure ~ 25 of the Worst Bad Product Names



Ahhhh! Nothing like Noisy Soap. It screams clean!

Noisy Soap ~ 25 of the Worst Bad Product Names


You should try their sausage.

Hung Wang Foods ~ 25 of the Worst Bad Product Names


Man, they coulda sold at a ton of these at my catholic high school!

soup for sluts ~ 25 of the Worst Bad Product Names


Bread… for blondes.

Bimbo Bread ~ 25 of the Worst Bad Product Names


…the original name of the In-n-Out Burger.

Barfy Burgers ~ 25 of the Worst Bad Product Names


What you use to clean up with after a Barfy Burger… in powder and liquid!

Barf Detergent


Assy Lice Eliminator?  Hmm…  Must be for Shitheads.

Assy Lice Eliminator ~ 25 of the Worst Bad Product Names


Just how do you milk those teeny tiny nipples?

Bat Milk ~ 25 of the Worst Bad Product Names


Wow… I use to really be addicted to these things.

Crack Sandwich ~ 25 of the Worst Bad Product Names


…then I found out what’s really in the Crack Sandwich!

Cream Collon ~ 25 of the Worst Bad Product Names


Go for the original “Griesedicks”…  Avoid those copycats like “Slippery Pricks” and “Oily Wongs”.

The Original Griesediek ~ 25 of the Worst Bad Product Names


Yikes! okay…which gland is it?

Royco Monkey Gland Sauce ~ 25 of the Worst Bad Product Names


If you say so.

Finger Marie ~ 25 of the Worst Bad Product Names

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