16 Really Bad & Funny Signs!

Strangely Weird Signs from Around the World

Okay. Can these really be real??? Why yes they are! These funny signs and town names may be bad, laced with sexual innuendos, or lost in translation… But they are very genuine!  And Lordy, whoever made these… YOU HAD ONE JOB!  Concentrate next time!


Think Fiona knows?

Pirates Knocked Up Shrek, funny store signs, fun advertisements, ads, worst ever, bad, misspelled, wrong, fail, stupid, wtf, bad product names, funny names, funny people, wrong place wrong time,


I hear the old management was a wee bit too literate.

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God bless the public school system.

Burger King Out of Meet, fast food signs, funny store signs, fun advertisements, ads, worst ever, bad, misspelled, wrong, fail, stupid, wtf, bad product names, funny names, funny people, wrong place wrong time,


Dildo town name sign, funny store signs, fun advertisements, ads, worst ever, bad, street signs, real estate, misspelled, wrong, fail, stupid, wtf, bad product names, funny names, funny people, wrong place wrong time,

twatt town name funny store signs, fun advertisements, ads, worst ever, bad, street signs, real estate, misspelled, wrong, fail, stupid, wtf, bad product names, funny names, funny people, wrong place wrong time,


Wank… A charming village between Twatt & Dildo…

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Beware! Car Tipping Cows!!!

cow tipping, funny store signs, fun advertisements, ads, worst ever, bad, street signs, real estate, misspelled, wrong, fail, stupid, wtf, bad product names, funny names, funny people, wrong place wrong time,


…and they keep cats on the background vocal.

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Finally! A use for all those old bags of dead skin I got clutterin’ up the house!

please feed our hungry fish your dead skin zoo, fish pond, feeding fish, funny store signs, fun advertisements, ads, worst ever, bad, street signs, real estate, misspelled, wrong, fail, stupid, wtf, bad product names, funny names, funny people, wrong place wrong time,


…Figured that’s what keeps him up at night.

Rod Peeler, real estate agent, funny store signs, fun advertisements, ads, worst ever, bad, street signs, real estate, misspelled, wrong, fail, stupid, wtf, bad product names, funny names, funny people, wrong place wrong time,


Here’s a solution… Take the damn sign down!

please do not throw rocks at this sign funny store signs, fun advertisements, ads, worst ever, bad, street signs, real estate, misspelled, wrong, fail, stupid, wtf, bad product names, funny names, funny people, wrong place wrong time,


Yep… that’s one way to eliminate them.

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Yes. There’s just one and only one way to relieve yourself!

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Well? Which is it?

hotel sign closed open, funny store signs, fun advertisements, ads, worst ever, bad, street signs, real estate, misspelled, wrong, fail, stupid, wtf, bad product names, funny names, funny people, wrong place wrong time,


So wrong.

Pop-Tards: 16 Really Bad & Funny Signs


…and goin’ cheap.

Dicks For Sale: 16 Really Bad & Funny Signs

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