17 More Really Bad & Funny Signs & More! Vol. 3

More Funny Signs from Around the World

Put yer eye on a new round of Funny Signs!  Why people don’t take the time to read what they write before they go to the sign printer beats the heck outta me! Oh, sure, some are lost in translation. I get that.  But lordy, the sexual innuendos, the missing letters, and just plain lunacy are somethin’ else! But I do love’em. Take a gander. You will, too!


Do you mean “your kittens aren’t made with squash?”  Are you inviting me to “squash your kittens?!?!?!”  What?!?  What do you mean????

squash free kittens, bad art, funny store signs, funny names fun advertisements, ads, worst ever, bad, street signs, real estate, misspelled, wrong, fail, stupid, wtf, bad product names, funny names, funny people, wrong place wrong time,


Seriously!  I had a penguin under my car once. The bastard cut my brake line and I ended up driving over a cliff.

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Now that’s a business model I wish I thought of!

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These dudes should hook up with those guys helping those virgins.

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.hcuot ecin

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Yup. That’s just the plate I want on my daughter’s car.

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Wow! That’s a lot less than I paid for my son’s at the hospital!

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Why, when I was your age…

…all WE had was “No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service”!

No Pets. No Persons with Diarrhea sign funny names, bad fart, funny store signs, fun advertisements, ads, worst ever, bad, street signs, real estate, misspelled, wrong, fail, stupid, wtf, bad product names, funny names, funny people, wrong place wrong time,


Do NOT order the Happy Meal.

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Now available on DVD in the Adult Section…

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I usually do.

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Glad to see the hoers are up and working. Now if we could only get the shovelers working.

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Drink all day… Make bad sign.

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“Welcome.”  from Rev. Jim Jones.

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Damn straight! Only us ‘mericans got the write ta bucher are-natiff langwage!

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