Bad Tattoos: 13 of The Worst, Horrible & Ugly

Terribly Funny Bad Tattoos

Wow! Could these be the Worst Tattoos ever??? These may be some of the ugliest, most tasteless, horrible inkings and ideas to date! Oh, but with the stupidity that roams our great planet, I’m quite sure there will be plenty more bad tattoos in our future! Damn, people are funny in the head! And hey, don’t forget to subscribe to!


What the hell is that?  Looks like he got splattered by colored bacon grease!

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U.S.A! U.S.A!  U .S.A!

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Yep. Nailed that one right on the head.

Reject Mugshot Face Tattoos worst tattoos, ugliest tattoos, funny pictures, horrible nasty weird wtf


So that’s where all my steak knives went!

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The long-extinct Wolf Cat somethin’…

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Hey!  Those are the steak curtains I saw on HGTV today!

Steak Meat Curtains worst tattoos, ugliest tattoos, funny pictures, horrible nasty weird wtf


Poor Katie Bugg… Tough going through life with a potato head.

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Well, that explains a few things…

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Yeah, he needed that tattoo like he needed another hole in the head.  Hey, maybe he should hook up with Stitches Boy right above here!

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Perhaps someday she’ll wake up and realize she ain’t 14 anymore.

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Ya mean to say she has Fly Wings?????

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