Bad Tattoos: 11 more the Inane, Insane & Worst!

More of the Worst Bad Tats That Get Under Your Skin

From the totally tasteless to downright stupid, these ain’t just bad tattoos, they are some of the worst tattoos ever! The stupidity of people never stops amazing! On the upside, the horrible, uglies just keep comin’ so we always have funny pictures to laugh at! 


I’m bettin’ on the J-man!

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Nice work. Funny prank.  Odd choice.

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Don’t he know that could cause a loss of hearing!

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Lordy, I’d be scared to death to wake up next to that every morning!

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A Dollar and No Sense.

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The headlamp completes the look.

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Wow. Can’t even think of a damn thing to say about this bad one.

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Somebody’s daddy is proud of his little dick head daughter!

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I bet he was passed around big time in the Roman prison.

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After all these years, we’re still crappy all over the American Indians.

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I’m sorry. I don’t believe in “Chist”.

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