1950’s Housewife Funny Memes: 13 Sarcastics

More Funny Memes of the Desperate Housewife

Ah, the 1950’s housewife. The beacon or servitude in the wonderful land of Pleasantville. Today that would be Walmart. That innocent period when a woman was more than happy receiving a new vacuum cleaner and ironing board pad as an anniversary gift, waiting on their hard working husbands and pumping out babies. Then that dang Women’s Lib came along and ruined it all.  Well, dang… anyhoo… put yer eye on this collection of 13 funny memes or whatever they’re called that pay a long overdue tribute to the wonderful mothers and wives of yesteryear.


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Vintage 1950's Housewife memes, funny sayings, sarcasm, e cards, funny pictures, women's humor housewife cooking in the kitchen


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Vintage 1950's Housewife memes, funny sayings, sarcasm, e cards, funny pictures, women's humor mopping kitchen floor housework cleaning


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Vintage 1950's Housewife memes, funny sayings, sarcasm, e cards, funny pictures, women's humor


Vintage 1950's Housewife memes, funny sayings, sarcasm, e cards, funny pictures, women's humor


Vintage 1950's Housewife memes, funny sayings, sarcasm, e cards, funny pictures, women's humor christmas


Vintage 1950's Housewife memes, funny sayings, sarcasm, e cards, funny pictures, women's humor washing dishes in the kitchen


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