Bad, Worst Tattoos: 13 of the Worst in Horrible

More of the Worst Bad Tattoos

Just when ya thought bad tats couldn’t get any funnier or more horrific, take your pic, here’s a fresh batch of the worst tattoos hot off the griddle. Yeah, kinda sad really how what seemed like a great idea after a fifth of Wild Turkey turned into a life-long display of stupidity. But hell, who am I to judge? I can’t even draw a straight line. When I do, they all look like shoe laces.


Yes, that is rather grim.

Grim Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTFFunny


That a Ladybug or a butt crack and boxer shorts?

Ladybug Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


Okay, I get he likes haircuts… But what’s HUGoTHeR?

Haircuts Scissors on Face Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


Houston… The Eagle has landed.

Astronaught Flag Moon Landing Nipple Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


Whoa… that butterfly is metamorphosing into donuts!

Butterfly Fat Rolls on Back Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


That’s somethin’.

Eye Knife Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


Nah, I think yours is more of a Yugo.

Benz Punnani Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


Bohemian Crazy Train!

Freddie Mercury Ozzy Osbourne Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


What’s that suppose to be? Phases of the moon or bologna slices?

Moon Phases on Side Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


Google what? Bad nails?

Google It Knuckles Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


Yes. Yes, you are.

Muir Sick For Life Confederate Flag Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


Thuder Only Happens Wlen its Raisinl… ? Looks like yer humor got away from ya a bit.

Thunder Only Happens When It's Raison Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny

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  1. Anonymous April 2, 2019
    • Anonymous April 2, 2019
      • Anonymous April 2, 2019

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