Bad Tattoos: 14 of the Worst in Stupid

More of the Worst Bad Tattoos

Here we go again! A fresh crop of the worst bad tattoos to tickle your day! Taking body art to a new low, these funny inkings and stupid ideas are some of the ugliest regrets around. Terrible. That’s what they are. Just plum horrible. But they sure are fun to shake your head at!  Enjoy and get ready to blurt out some good old fashion WTFs!



Merry Christmas!

Rudolph Reindeer Christmas Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


If Elf was carved out of wood.

Elf Will Farreell Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


Seriously? Mr. Hanky the Christmas Poo?  Ya know that ain’t a rub-on, don’t cha?

Mr Hankey Christmas South Park Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


Wow. Musta been when Chris Farley was really stoned out of his gourd!

Chris Farley Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


Well, that explains a little of Goofy’s goofiness.

Goofy Bong Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


LOL! I love that baby!

Love Hate Baby Knuckles Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


Hey! It’s Eddie Munster!

Eddie Munster Back of Head Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


Deformed Spider or Tick?

Spider Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


LOL!  yes, such a Thug… Pull your pants up Suburban White Boy

Thug Life Fat Kid Stomach Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny



Cherries Neck Cherry Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


The Divine Spatula.

Jesus Spatula Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


I’d say she’s a little A.D.D.

Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


I just hope ya remember how to spell.

Misspelled I'll Remember before I forget Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


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