Big Boy Toys and Gadgets to Manly Conveniences
Awesome Things Only a Guy Would Get
Ff you’re not a dude, you’ll probably just shake your head or face palm. BUT if you’re looking for some great gift ideas for someone of the male persuasion, you’ll find ’em here!
1.) Like this Muscle Car BBQ Grill
2.) Or this awesome Dolphin Submarine
3.) These bitchin’ Hand Wrenches
4.) ’nuff Said
5.) This convenient Wrist Crossbow
6.) Anything Bacon
7.) Any Vintage Motorcycle
8.) Fuck yea! These Hulk Hogan Drums
9.) This 4 x 4 Land Boat Cruiser
10.) This cool Bike Beer Holder, does in come in a 6?
11.) This Urinal Shoe Shield
12.) Betty Rubble, ’nuff said
13.) How about this Shot Timer?
14.) Or this Miniature Grappling Hook
15.) This Bottle Rocket Launcher Bazooka
16.) Not just the head, oh no… but this whole FUCKIN’ DEER!
17.) Or this Armor Plated Jeep
18.) Better yet, this Bad Ass!
19.) Or this Giant Wine Glass (‘cuz if you’re gonna go wine, ya gotta go big)
20.) This water-power Jet Pack
21.) This Death Star Fire Pit
22.) This Bat Mobile and Monster Truck Rallies
23.) Ahhhh! These Main Vein Drainer Pillows
24.) Or just the complete and utter joy of expressing your thoughts
25.) This awesome Classic Ford Pool Table 
26.) This Ghostbusters Neutrino Wand
27.) This Underground Beer Cooler
28) And finally… Once again… ’nuff Said.
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