Oh, Those Creepy Things That Kids Have Said
It seems, after two years, the popular Reddit thread that posed the question to parents, “What’s the creepiest thing your young child has ever said to you?” still has traction. Why? People just can’t get enough of creepy kids!
That’s why we’ve dug deeper into the thousands of comments to bring you a fresh crop horrifying kid stories, plus added in a heapin’ handful of user submissions from earlier creepy kid postings here on Team Jimmy Joe.
So, here ya go, complete with Reddit’s bad grammar and all– More terrifying, horrific, twisted, demented, and even some downright funny things that have come out of the mouths of babes. A word to the wise… leave your light on. Oh, and, uhm, one more word, if you got a creepy story, pass it along!
When my Son was 2 (who’s now 17), I was on the phone talking to my Sister. During our talk, she asked had I noticed that over the last 2-3 days when we talked that my Son would say “see the monster”. Yeah, I noticed it but when I looked in the direction that he’d point (which was in my bedroom btw) nothing was there so I blew it off. Later that Sat evening, my Mother-n-law came over to baby sit my Son and Daughter. Well, I have to say I got really freaked out when my Sonsaid the same thing “see the monster,” except this time it was in the kitchen over my Mother-n-laws head!!! On Monday (which also happened to be the day before the 9/11 terrorist attacks), my Mother-n-law died of a massive heart attack. I truly believe that my Son is clairvoyant. I’m not nearly done, on the way home on the night of her passing, we were on the freeway and my Son pointed out the window and said “see Granny Mae”. We were totally freaked out and didn’t know what to make of it. I’m still not done! On the following day, we pulled into my Mother-n-law’s driveway and my Son just sat in car seat an took his little fist and began to wipe his eyes, look at the house and moan in sorrow. It was freaky and sad at he same time. He was barely 2 and could barely talk but acted as if he knew exactly what was going on. There have been a few other instances and he’s told us of some things he’s seen (like just this past June). I think he holds some things back because he’s trying to make since of it all.
I was about 5 I was at my grandma’s house me and my brother and my two aunts where in the living room one of my aunt’s had to go to the bathroom in the kitchen and the other one followed to continue their conversation and one of them is a big pet shops fan and they where beside my papaws chair and when the look at the kitchen the houses where on the counter so after they had put them back now freaked out and then sat back on the couch and the white board that they had erased before the got up said DAM clear as day so my grandma had to come down stairs after that nothing happened that night.
Wow. That’s crazy! Are you still sensitive or had any experiences since? Thanks for sharing, Emma! Have a good one!
I’d always been sensitive to ghost and such, but until my mother told me this story, never told her of the things I see, I often don’t talk about it cause it freaks her out still.
When I was four, we had a visitor who lost his girlfriend, but never said how she died. I stood staring blankly at something and said ‘she died in the bathroom by the bad medicine’ or something along those lines. The guy was shocked and later told my mother that she had died of a drug overdose while sitting in her bathtub. It creeped everyone out, but I thought it was kinda cool.
Wtf hs that’s creepy