33 Photos of Famous People When They Were Young

Before they were famous, incredible pictures of

Celebrities & Historical Figure When They Were Young


1.) Walt Disney at around the age of 16, circa 1917
Walt Disney circa 1917, approximately 16-years old


2. Oprah Winfrey crowned Miss Black Tennessee  at age 17, 1971, East Tennessee State University
Young Oprah Winfrey, age 17, 1971, Miss Black Tennessee


3.) Cadet Captain Donald Trump in his graduation photo from the New York Military Academy, 1964
Young Donald Trump, Graduation photo from New Yourk Military Academy in 1964


4.) A rascally, young Stephen Colbert at age 22
Stephen Colbert, age 22


5.) A naughty 21-year-old Betty White from a series of nude poses she did in 1943, many of which ended up on playing cards


6.) Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt, 15-years old and already a member of Dollar Shave Club
Young Theodore Roosevelt, age 15


7.) Christopher Walken, age 22
Young Christopher Walken, age 22


8.) Queen Elizabeth II, an 18-year-old princess at the time, trained as a military mechanic and drove a supply truck during W.W. II
Queen Elizabeth II, an 18-year-old princess at the time, trained as a military mechanic and drove a supply truck during W.W. II


9.) Ryan Seacrest, an American Idol at the age of 13
Ryan Seacrest, age 13


10.) Barak Obama, 1980, a freshman at Occidental College posing for a photo essay by aspiring photographer Lisa Jack (she hoped he’d ask her out afterward but he never did)
Barak Obama, freshman year at Occidental College, 1980


11.) Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa


12.) Lady killer  George Clooney at the age of 15
George Clooney, 15-years-old


13.) Martin Luther King, Jr. at age 7
Martin Luther King, jr., age 7


 14.) A delicious 22-year-old Martha Stewart
Young Martha Stewart, age 20


15) A 15-year-old Samuel Clemens before he became Mark Twain
Young Mark Twain, 15-years-old


16.) Marilyn Monroe at age 12, already beyond her years
Marilyn Monroe, 12-years-old

17.) One of the first known pictures of Abraham Lincoln, circa 1840
Young Abraham Lincoln


18.) A hand-tinted picture of 21-year-old Sir Winston Churchill in military garb, 1895
Winston Churchill, age 21, 1895


19.) Larry David, 20-years-old, enthusiasm already curbed
20-year-old Larry David 
20.) One of these hobbits is J.R.R. Tolkien
Young J.R.R. Tolkien


21.) 22-year-old Hillary Rodham Clinton, Park Ridge, Illinois, June 1969.
22-year-old Hillary Rodham Clinton, Park Ridge, Illinois, June 1969.


22.) Josef Stalin, the original hipster
Young Josef Stalin


23.) Either Howdy Doody or 10-year-old John F. Kennedy
Young John F. Kennedy, 10-years-old


24) Academy Award Winner Helen Mirren at age 25
25-year-old Helen Miren


25.) In 1963, 17-year-old Bill Clinton meets JFK
17-year-old Bill Clinton meeting JFK, July 24, 1963


26.) Henry Hank Aaron, around age 19, circa 1953
Young Hank Aaron around 19-years old circa 1953


27.) Vladimir Putin doing his best Macaulay Culkin
Young Vldimir Putin


28.) German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Young Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany


29.) A handsome 19-year-old Mahatma Gandhi
Young Mahatma Gandhi, age 19


30.) 2-year-old Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the days he was simply known as “Franny”
Young Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1884, age 2


31.) Fidell Castro
Young Fidel Castro


32.) Albert Einstein, age 3, 1882
Young Albert Einstein, age 3, 1882


33.) A young George and Barbara Bush with an even younger George, W.
A Young George Bush Family

sources: So Bad So Good, eBaums World, Buzzfeed

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  1. johnny west June 15, 2020
  2. Anonymous May 4, 2019
  3. Anonymous April 17, 2019

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