Keri Leigh & the Blues Devils | Music Review

Keri Leigh & the Blues Devils | Music Review

I done bought a CD by Keri Leigh and the Blue Devils, “Blue Devil Blues” in the early 90’s cuz I like their name and the CD cover art. Glad I did. This woman is the blues. Born in Oklahoma and breaking it with the Blue Devils in Austin, (TX of course), she sports anAustin, Texas Blues Rock from Keri Leigh, amazing voice amazing 4-octave, seductive raunch of a voice, that brought her much acclaim.

Don’t know whatever happened to her. As far as I know, they ain’t put out anything new since 1994. Where is you Keri???

Put yer on a few tracks:

PLAY_ I’m Ready

PLAY_On My Way (Goin’ Home)

PLAY_Train Don’t Roll 

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