Robert Bradley’s Blackwater Surprise | Music Review

Detorit classic R & B, Blues, blind singer from DetroitRobert Bradley’s Blackwater Surprise | Music Review

During my days back in the Motor City, mid 80’s early 90’s, my wife and I used to hit the Farmer’s Market tucked in the warehouse district, a large expanse of asphalt and wooden stalls filled with fresh, affordable vegetables and fruits.

So many times, I could hear a comfortably desperate voice echoing over the smells and color. It came from a man sitting against the concession stand in the middle of the expanse who looked as homeless as can be…blind, missing teeth, older beyond his years, playing his beat up guitar tuned to an open G, and signing with a life experience that only he could see.

Every time I would stand there transfixed, listening… And before I’d toss some loose change into his styrofoam cup, I’d say to my wife, “Somebody’s got to do something with this guy.” 

Years later when I discovered Robert Bradley’s Blackwater Surprise. And it hit me, somebody had the same thought, too. “This is the guy from the Farmer’s Market!”

The story is longer, how the Nehra brother’s heard the same soul from their loft window and invited him up to their studio to record several acoustic songs, but that’s for another time.

Put yer ear on Robert Bradley. I hope he’s still out your spreading the nutrients of the soul…

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