Funny Wedding Pictures: Bride Cousin Joeleana’s Regrets

Funny Wedding Pictures:

Weren’t a dry eye in the church as cousin Jeoleana recited her wedding vows… “I lovvvve you… Nnnooo! Get awwway from me! Youuuu don’t know me!… I shoulda married Jack Daniels like my therapists told meee!….. I lovvvvve you…”

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Team Jimmy Joe does not promote bride drunkenness at wedding receptions. Memorable, elegant wedding receptions are never the result of drunk brides. Drunk mother-in-laws, perhaps. Excessive alcohol consumption prior to your wedding ceremony can lead to slurring of vows.  Doing shots of Jageremeister during the wedding ceremony or wedding toast should be off limits. Puking your brains out on your wedding night is never attractive. A beautiful wedding does not include cases of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer.

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