10 of the Worst Golden Girls Tattoos

 Worst Golden Girls Tattoos – “Thank You For Being A Freak”

As big as this big ol’ world is, ya’d figure that there might, just might be one person stupid enough to get a bad Golden Girls tattoo… But 10 of ya??? Really? 10??? Oh, Lordy! Ya don’t think there could be more, do ya??? Put your eye on some of the worst tattoos ever. Horrible.


Tell me again when this seemed like a good idea?

The Golden Girls on Mount Rushmore Tattoo Bad Tattoos of The Golden Girls America's Worst Tattoos Ever Ugliest Tattoos awful ugly stupid people funny pictures awkward family photos worst family photos horrible tattoos terrible nasty ellen


Who needs a chastity belt when ya got 4 old ladies on yer thighs starin’ down every Tom, Dick & Harry who dare to enter?

Bad Tattoos of The Golden Girls America's Worst Tattoos Ever Ugliest Tattoos awful ugly stupid people funny pictures awkward family photos worst family photos horrible tattoos terrible nasty ellen


I think they got The Golden Girls confused with “The Jeffersons”

awful Golden Girls tattoos from TeamJimmyJoe.com


When the hell did Nancy Reagan become one of the Golden Girls?

Bad Tattoos of The Golden Girls America's Worst Tattoos Ever Ugliest Tattoos awful ugly stupid people funny pictures awkward family photos worst family photos horrible tattoos terrible nasty ellen


The Golden Girls – The blue-eyed Chinese version

Bad Tattoos of The Golden Girls America's Worst Tattoos Ever Ugliest Tattoos awful ugly stupid people funny pictures awkward family photos worst family photos horrible tattoos terrible nasty ellen


I see it.

Velma Scooby Doo Bad Tattoos of The Golden Girls America's Worst Tattoos Ever Ugliest Tattoos awful ugly stupid people funny pictures awkward family photos worst family photos horrible tattoos terrible nasty ellen


In a few more years when that arm starts flabbin’ like a chicken wing, it’ll really look like them Golden Girls.


A dragon Blanche with antlers, spittin’ rainbow fire… Now THAT is SWEET!

Bad Tattoos of The Golden Girls America's Worst Tattoos Ever Ugliest Tattoos awful ugly stupid people funny pictures awkward family photos worst family photos horrible tattoos terrible nasty ellen


Run!!!! It’s a ZOM-BEA!!!

Bad Tattoos of The Golden Girls America's Worst Tattoos Ever Ugliest Tattoos awful ugly stupid people funny pictures awkward family photos worst family photos horrible tattoos terrible nasty ellen


Sheez! Enough of the monuments already!

Bad Tattoos of The Golden Girls America's Worst Tattoos Ever Ugliest Tattoos awful ugly stupid people funny pictures awkward family photos worst family photos horrible tattoos terrible nasty ellen

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