Laps From Hell: 22 Downright Bad Creepy Santas

Merry Creepy Santas Christmas!

Ah, the Mall Santa Claus. Is there a more noble profession to spread the joy of Christmas? But I wonder, just how many millions of us are scarred for life from sitting on these creepy Kris Kringle laps? Put yer eye on some real scary, downright funny and creepy Santas! They will bring a demented brightness to this crazy holiday shopping season!


“Ew… Santa’s breath smells all bourbony like Uncle Roger’s!”

Kids sitting on Santa's Lap ~ 22 Creepy Funny Pics!


“Weeeeeeee!!! I’m on Percocet!”

Kids sitting on Santa's Lap ~22 Funny Pics!


“Santa?… Is that an elf in your pocket or are ya just happy to see me?”

Kids sitting on Santa's Lap ~22 Funny Pics!


Oh yeah! It’s a “Lou Rawls Family Christmas!”

Kids sitting on Santa's Lap ~22 Funny Pics!


“For the love of GOD! Somebody… Please! Get me out of here!

Kids sitting on Santa's Lap ~22 Funny, Creepy Santas


“Why, Cindy… I don’t remember you having these last year!”

Kids sitting on Santa's Lap ~22 Funny Pics!


Wow… that creepy dude from the “SAW” movies is a mall Santa, too?

Kids sitting on Santa's Lap ~22 Funny Pics!



Kids sitting on Santa's Lap ~22 Funny Pics!



Kids sitting on Santa's Lap ~22 Funny Pics!


“Hold yer britches, Charlena… Daddy ain’t done askin’ fer his shotgun shells and pouch of Red Man.”

Kids sitting on Santa's Lap ~22 Funny Pics!


Please Santa… bounce me on your knee some more  just the way we both like.

Kid in Shorts with Saxophone Kids sitting on Santa's Lap


Ho, Ho, Helllll No!

Leather G-String Thong ~22 Funny, Creepy Santa Clauses


“Now you be a good girl and go tell your momma Santa’s got a big, special present just for her…”

Kids sitting on Santa's Lap ~22 Funny, Creepy Kids sitting on Santa's Lap ~22 Funny Pics!


Santa…dude… Lay off the Botox!  You look like House Santa’s of Orange County.

Kids sitting on Santa's Lap ~22 Funny Pics!


“Mommy?… Why is Santa taking a dump on that car dealership?”

Blow-up Santa Pooping on Car Dealership ~Kids sitting on Santa's Lap


Aw, c’mon Claus! Stickin’ Cousin It from the Adam’s Family on your face does not pass as a beard!

Kids sitting on Santa's Lap ~22 Funny Pics!


I reckon a living, breathing Santa wasn’t in the mall budget.

Kids sitting on Santa's Lap ~22 Funny Pics!


“Yes, Timmy,  I know you like fried ‘taters, but it’s time to go back to the home now.”

Kids sitting on Santa's Lap ~22 Funny Pics!


“I’ll just stick my hand right there for safety-sake, Bobby. Ol’ Santa wouldn’t want ya slippin’ of his lap, now would he?”

Kids sitting on Santa's Lap ~22 Funny Pics!


He sees you when you’re sleeping… right before he chops you to pieces with an axe.

Kids sitting on Santa's Lap ~22 Funny Pics!


And the Valiums kick in right about……….. now.

Kids sitting on Creepy Santa's Lap ~22 Funny Pics!


“Oh, Ms Tammy! Those the set I brought ya last year?”

Naughty Santa Checking out Boobs ~22 FunnynCreepy Santas

See more Crazy Santas by clicking that there Creepy Button ->Creepy Santas

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