BAD WEDDING PHOTOS: Ray-Ray & Dorella’s Waffle House Wedding

Redneck Wedding of the century from Team Jimmy Joe‘Nothin’ Like a Waffle House Wedding

Last July 2011, the year of our Lord, my cousin Dorella and her beau Ray-Ray finally tied the knot.  No expense was spared as this blessed event was held at the finest dining establishment in town–The Waffle House. No, not the dingy one out on Rt. 10… the fancy newer one on Chester Street.

This here’s my photomentary of their jubial ceremony.

A nervous Ray-Ray preparin’ fer the long walk down the aisle.

Worst Redneck Wedding of the century from Team Jimmy Joe


Good thing his Aunt Margina got him to check his fly one last time… That’da been embarrassin’…

Waffle House Wedding! Bad Wedding Photos, funny wedding pictures, worst wedding photos, redneck brides, ugly wedding dresses, awkward family photos, bad tattoos, worst tattoos, weird family redneck wedding drunk bride smoking Married at waffle house wedding rings


As the procession gits commencin’… Ray-Ray’s momma can’t bear to let her little boy go.  Aunt Margina,  all teary in background

Waffle House Wedding! Bad Wedding Photos, funny wedding pictures, worst wedding photos, redneck brides, ugly wedding dresses, awkward family photos, bad tattoos, worst tattoos, weird family redneck wedding drunk bride smoking Married at waffle house wedding rings


Faylene Munson, Dorella’s Maid of Honor & best friend since 9th grade last year, prepares the bride fer givin’ away.

Waffle House Wedding! Bad Wedding Photos, funny wedding pictures, worst wedding photos, redneck brides, ugly wedding dresses, awkward family photos, bad tattoos, worst tattoos, weird family redneck wedding drunk bride smoking Married at waffle house wedding rings


Ahhhh…. nothin’ calms the nerves while walkin’ down the aisle…

Waffle House Wedding! Bad Wedding Photos, funny wedding pictures, worst wedding photos, redneck brides, ugly wedding dresses, awkward family photos, bad tattoos, worst tattoos, weird family redneck wedding drunk bride smoking Married at waffle house wedding rings


…than a good Marlboro Red.

Waffle House Wedding! Bad Wedding Photos, funny wedding pictures, worst wedding photos, redneck brides, ugly wedding dresses, awkward family photos, bad tattoos, worst tattoos, weird family redneck wedding drunk bride smoking Married at waffle house wedding rings


Ray-Ray’s momma, Lexi Chablis, and his step-daddy, Carlton Dumont, walk stately down the aisle

Waffle House Wedding! Bad Wedding Photos, funny wedding pictures, worst wedding photos, redneck brides, ugly wedding dresses, awkward family photos, bad tattoos, worst tattoos, weird family redneck wedding drunk bride smoking Married at waffle house wedding rings


Dorella & Daddy proceed to the alter.  We all were happy about the turnout. Nearly every milk crate was taken.

Waffle House Wedding! Bad Wedding Photos, funny wedding pictures, worst wedding photos, redneck brides, ugly wedding dresses, awkward family photos, bad tattoos, worst tattoos, weird family redneck wedding drunk bride smoking Married at waffle house wedding rings


Taking their vows beneath the purdy bent thing we made the night before in Charlton’s work shed.

Waffle House Wedding! Bad Wedding Photos, funny wedding pictures, worst wedding photos, redneck brides, ugly wedding dresses, awkward family photos, bad tattoos, worst tattoos, weird family redneck wedding drunk bride smoking Married at waffle house wedding rings


Dorella’s little girls, D’Princess & Jasmine, tickled to meet their new daddy!

Waffle House Wedding! Bad Wedding Photos, funny wedding pictures, worst wedding photos, redneck brides, ugly wedding dresses, awkward family photos, bad tattoos, worst tattoos, weird family redneck wedding drunk bride smoking Married at waffle house wedding rings


The sanctamonious “Mash the Waffle in yer face” ceremony…

Waffle House Wedding! Bad Wedding Photos, funny wedding pictures, worst wedding photos, redneck brides, ugly wedding dresses, awkward family photos, bad tattoos, worst tattoos, weird family redneck wedding drunk bride smoking Married at waffle house wedding rings


Unfortunately, an unexpected lunch rush hit and Dorella had ta return to her shift.

Waffle House Wedding! Bad Wedding Photos, funny wedding pictures, worst wedding photos, redneck brides, ugly wedding dresses, awkward family photos, bad tattoos, worst tattoos, weird family redneck wedding drunk bride smoking Married at waffle house wedding rings


Once all the tables were bused, Dorella & Ray-Ray sped off for some you-know-what at “McCalister’s Firing Range & Honeymoon Haven Motel”.

Waffle House Wedding! Bad Wedding Photos, funny wedding pictures, worst wedding photos, redneck brides, ugly wedding dresses, awkward family photos, bad tattoos, worst tattoos, weird family redneck wedding drunk bride smoking Married at waffle house wedding rings


Yeah, ain’t nothing like a Waffle House Wedding.

Waffle House Wedding! Bad Wedding Photos, funny wedding pictures, worst wedding photos, redneck brides, ugly wedding dresses, awkward family photos, bad tattoos, worst tattoos, weird family redneck wedding Married at waffle house wedding rings


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