Verdeen’s Kitty Litter Box Cake Recipe

Verdeen’s Kitty Litter Box Cake Recipe

Lookin’ fer a delicious cake recipe to jazz up a birthday party, wedding, anniversary, or baby shower? Try Verdeen’s Kitty Litter Box Cake! It’s both a gastronomical and visual, lip-smacking delight! And so easy and fun to make!

Great Kitty Litter Cake Recipe, Awesome! crazy for any part from


SERVIN’S:  a whole slew


  • 1 (18.25 ounce) package white cake mi
  • 1 package German chocolate cake mix (if ya don’t like the Kraut chocolate, ya can use a Spice or Chocolate cake mix)
  • 2 (3.5 ounce) packages instant vanilla pudding mix
  • 1 (12 ounce) package of vanilla sandwich cookies or vanilla waffers
  • 5 or 7 drops green food coloring
  • 6 to 17 tootsie rolls
  • Confectioners Sugar (optional)
  • Grape Nerds Candy (optional)
  • A Kitty Litter Box (I prefer a new one)
  • Kitty Litter Poop Scoop (again a new one, but if yer in a bind, really clean good yer current one)



Make yer White & German chocolate cakes accordin’ to package directions. (size or shape of pans don’t matter. Yer gonna crumble up the cakes).

Whip up instant vanilla puddin’ to package directions & stick in the fridge

Crumble the vanilla sandwich cookies or ‘nilla wafers in small batches in a food processor (or ya can put’em in a baggie and bang’em with a rolling pin… Good for frustration & the bi-ceps).

Now, take 1/2 cup or so of the cookie crumbs, add green food colorin’ & mix together with your hand, creatin’ flecks of color in the crumbs. Set aside.

Cakes cooled to room temperature? Crumble’em up together in a large bowl. This is where I like to toss in a handful of Nerds to give it added crunch!

Now toss yer crumbled cakes with half of the cookie crumbs and the chilled puddin’ to make the cake moist (Careful! Not t0o moist! Don’t want yer guests thinkin’ yer cats got the diarrhea).

Spread the cake mixture in yer kitty litter box.

Now the fun part! 

Put half yer unwrapped Tootsie Rolls and heat’em up in the microwave in a safe dish  fer about 10 to 15 in microwave to soften’em up.

Take the warm Tootsies and shape’em in your hands to taper the ends. Break’em into small pieces iff ya got a kitten…larger ones for a more mature cat.

Now bury those Tootsie Rolls randomly in the cake

Yer almost done… Sprinkle over the cake the remaining green-flecked cookie crumbs. If ya want, sprinkle top lightly with a little Confectioners Sugar and maybe a few more Nerds.

Warm up remainin’ Tootsie Rolls, hand-shape artistically and place’em on the top of the cake mixture. Get creative! Like hang a couple over the side of yer litter box for the full appetizing effect!

Refrigerate until ready to serve.

You can also use yer favorite cake icing (preferably brown) to write yer ”wishes” on the cat like “Sweet 16 ‘Lil Tammy”, “Happy Bar Mitz Vah Irving” or  “Congrats on Yer New Edition”

To serve, use yer pooper scooper!

This is also a great recipe to come up with yer own creative ingredients like “the cat who ate crayons” or “the cat who digested a hair ball” (though personally, I ain’t figured out what those ingredients would be… yet).

For added effect before serving: strategically place around the room Cat Urine Scented Yankee Candles.


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