Bad Pregnancy Photos Vol. II: Crazy Mothers

Funny Pregnancy Pics, Is That What You Were Expecting?

Seems getting pregnant makes you do crazy things… like take pictures. A word of advice: “Put the camera down until the hormones subside.” And put yer eye on a list of the worst, funniest, ns bad pregnancy photos ever.


Hey! No one told me Lady Gaga is preggers!

Lady Gaga is Pregnant, Worst maternity picture, funny bad worst pregnancy photos, having a babyjust crazy, from Team Jimmy Joe


Is it just me or does it look like she’s gettin’ ready to pee on that dog?

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“You’re damn straight I’m wearing this wedding dress!  Just so I can remind yo sorry ass every step down the aisle why we are gathered here today!”

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“Oomba-dum-gow-wa” to you, too!

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“Suckle up, darlings!  Pretty soon there’ll be another mouth fighting for these teets!”

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Damn, woman! And ya wonder why kids are petrified of clowns!

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“One way or another… …I’ll get Kobe to marry me yet!”

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Lady… I don’t think it’s the jackhammers ya gotta worry about.

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Explain to me again why you don’t need a license to have a child?

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“Yeah… That’s right, bitches… I’m pregnant… Jealous????

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So ya think Trigger’s the father?

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For the love of God!  Please!  Please start teaching condoms in schools!

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That ain’t like one of them “glass-bottom boats”, is it?

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Funny thing is… She looks half-startled by us interrupting her half-naked jaunt through the Vietnamese razor grass.

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Now just ain’t right… Those ain’t regulation hockey helmets those boys are wearin’!

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Rat Fink or Redneck… You make the call…

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Thanks fer stoppin’ by. And why don’t cha subscribe to Team Jimmy Joe?  That way ya don’t miss out on none of this gunk.

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