Bad Tattoos: 9 More of the Awfully Worst Tats

More of the Worst Bad Tattoos

Lordy, what do we have now?… Why just more of the worst bad tattoos you’ve ever seen!  Totally ridiculous, horrible tattoos seem to be contagious these days. They’re everywhere. But take a good long look. you won’t catch nothin’… Except for a good laugh and a bad case of the tattoo heebie-jeebies!


That kid is doomed…

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I bet Roethlisberger would hit that…

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Oh, no! Help me Mr. Wizard!

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Rock & Roll Trivia:

Q:  Who was Metallica’s original lead singer?

A:  Why, duh! Groucho Marx of course!

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As if Gene Simmons weren’t ugly enough…

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Reason #1 why you don’t get the boyfriend you dumped to do a tattoo on your back.

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Wow… She best stick that thing back in her cocoon.

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…I woulda opted for a trusty pair if vice grips myself.

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Obviously learning how to spell was successfully omitted from the process.

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