Vol II: 12 More of the Worst Parents Ever

More Bad Parents That Makes Your’s Look Good

Here’s another gaggle of funny pictures of the worst parents around. This bad collection of horrible mothers and awful dads make me want to run to my mom’s attic and pull out the old family photos to see what I missed in my childhood. Enjoy!


Well, the kid’s gotta start somewhere…

Worst Parents Ever, Bad Parents, Bad Parenting, pole dancing baby, pole dancer, Funny Pictures, Awkward Family Photos, Fail, Crazy Parents, Horrible Parents, Awful Parents,


When a pacifier’s not handy, always go to option two.

Worst Parents Ever, Bad Parents, Bad Parenting, Funny Pictures, Awkward Family Photos, gun in mouth, Fail, Crazy Parents, Horrible Parents, Awful Parents,


I sure hope she cleans up after that thing.

Worst Parents Ever, kid on leash baby on leash Bad Parents, Bad Parenting, Funny Pictures, Awkward Family Photos, Fail, kid on leash, Crazy Parents, Horrible Parents, Awful Parents,



And I thought my dad was bad with his “Pull my Finger” thing.

Worst Parents Ever, Motorcycle driving over kids hands Bad Parents, Bad Parenting, Funny Pictures, Awkward Family Photos, Fail, Crazy Parents, Horrible Parents, Awful Parents,


“Honey… can you pick up my gum for me while you’re down there?”

Worst Parents Ever, baby kid sleeping on floor in bar Bad Parents, Bad Parenting, Funny Pictures, Awkward Family Photos, Fail, Crazy Parents, Horrible Parents, bad mothers, crazy mothers, mom drinking at the bar, Awful Parents,


Finally an answer to that age-old question…

“How many babies can you fit in a truck bed?”

Worst Parents Ever, babies in back of truck, carseats in truck bed Bad Parents, Bad Parenting, Funny Pictures, Awkward Family Photos, Fail, Crazy Parents, Horrible Parents, Awful Parents,


Gee, when we went to Gator Land, all we got to feed’em were a handful of pellets we got out of an old gum ball machine.

Worst Parents Ever, Bad Parents, Bad Parenting, Funny Pictures, Awkward Family Photos, Fail, Crazy Parents, Horrible Parents, Awful Parents,


I guess putting a baby in a stroller should come with step-by-step instructions.

Worst Parents Ever, putting baby in stroller, hanging upside down by leg Bad Parents, Bad Parenting, Funny Pictures, Awkward Family Photos, Fail, horrible mothers, baby strollers, bad mothers, Crazy Parents, Horrible Parents, Awful Parents,


Sure glad to see that she has one of those child-proof caps in that electrical outlet.

Worst Parents Ever, baby biting on power cord child safety Bad Parents, Bad Parenting, Funny Pictures, Awkward Family Photos, Fail, Crazy Parents, Horrible Parents, Awful Parents,


When did they start making baby seats for motor scooters?

That’s nice!

Worst Parents Ever, Bad Parents, Bad Parenting, Funny Pictures, Awkward Family Photos, Fail, bad mothers, baby on motorcycle, Crazy Parents, Horrible Parents, Awful Parents,


Don’t ya hate it when yer tryin’ to watch you daughter play soccer and the baby yer sittin’ on won’t quit squirmin’?

You know I do!

Worst Parents Ever, mom sitting on kid baby Bad Parents, Bad Parenting, Funny Pictures, Awkward Family Photos, Fail, Crazy Parents, Horrible Parents, Awful Parents,


Just what every dad needs! A Kid Koozie!

Worst Parents Ever, kid giving dad beer Bad Parents, Bad Parenting, Funny Pictures, Awkward Family Photos, Fail, Crazy Parents, Horrible Parents, bad dads, horrible mothers, Awful Parents,

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