Bad Tattoos: 12 more of the Worst That Shouldn’t Be

Terribly Funny Bad Tats

Bad tattoos never end. Funny thing is right when you think you’ve found the worst tattoo ever, another horrible one pops up to grab the title of ugliest. Go ahead and put yer eye on some more awful inkings and ideas!


Oh, look!  The Bieber’s got a cute little bird tattoo shaped like Judy Jetson’s hair!

Justin Bieber Bird Tattoos Worst Tattoos, Funny Tattoos Horrible Ugliest Tattoos Stupid Ugly Awful WTF Fail


Justin Bieber 53 years from now.

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Makayla will what?… … Log on?

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Why people in Barber School shouldn’t go out and get drunk…

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It’s the last time I nibble on her neck.

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“Eeww! Get me off of here!”

Baby Tattoo, Baby Portrait on Nipple, Bad Tattoos Worst Tattoos, Funny Tattoos Horrible Ugliest Tattoos Stupid Ugly Awful WTF Fail


I hear Charles Lindbergh crossed the Atlantic with an eyeball propeller.

Eye ball propeller tattoo, Worst Tattoos, Funny bad tattoos Tattoos Horrible Ugliest Tattoos Stupid Ugly Awful WTF Fail


Who smushed Will Farrell’s face?

Bad Will Farrell Tattoo Worst Tattoos, Funny Tattoos bad tattoos Horrible Ugliest Tattoos Stupid Ugly Awful WTF Fail


Yes, cursive is hard to learn… but ya wrote “Bejore”.

misspelled tattoos Worst Tattoos, Funny Tattoos Horrible bad tattoos Ugliest Tattoos Stupid Ugly Awful WTF Fail

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