Funny Pictures: 12 More of the Strange & Crazy!

Weird Funny Pics for the Weird in You

Hey-O! Put yer eye on 15 more funny pictures that practically made me wet myself. From the strange and bizarre to the just plum stupid, these random photos of weirdness will give ya a smile… or burn yer eyes outta yer head!


…Because standing in line to Super Size it is just too damn exhausting.

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“Watch your step, please…”

Bad building design funny door funny pictures stupid people weird pictures, random weirdness random funny funny people bad family photos awkward family photos funny street signs funny product names lost in translation stupid people


Fortunately, Grandma and Aunt Stella were snatched up before they got t0o far.

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So are you saying that Gay Street is now becoming Bi Street?

Gay Street funny pictures stupid people weird pictures, random weirdness random funny funny people bad family photos awkward family photos funny street signs funny product names lost in translation


You’d be amazed how many people get that wrong.

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“Honey… Have you seen the cat?”

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“For the last time! Where did you hide the TV Remote!!”

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“EWWW! The big pink eye!” says the man on the TV.

Cat Butt funny pictures stupid people weird pictures random bad family photos awkward family photos product names


Who knew?

Steve Urkel Yalta Historic Moments Surrender WW II funny pictures stupid people weird pictures random bad family photos awkward family photos product names


Looks like ol’ Ronald McDonald could use a Happy Meal.

Ronald McDonald gets arrested in police car funny pictures stupid people weird pictures random bad family photos awkward family photos product names


Now that’s one bad case of the cramps!

vintage midget wrestlers women funny pictures stupid people weird pictures random bad family photos awkward family photos product names


Even after Rochelle passed away, her faithful dog would not leave her side… er… boobs

dog sleeping on woman's boobs funny pictures stupid people weird pictures random bad family photos awkward family photos product names


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