Bad Tattoos: 15 of the Ugliest in Worst

More of the Worst Stink Ink

Yippee Skippy! It’s more of the Bad Tattoos from the lame and brain damaged! A rousing collection of the worst ideas and horrible inkings this side of Walmart. Oh, these funny tragedies of mankind. Where do they come up with these awful thoughts? If you get a chuckle outta lamebrains like I do, why, just subscribe to Team Jimmy Joe over there on the right. That way we can all laugh together at the stupidity of the world.


I guess that’s gettin’ a leg up…

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Wow. Never realized Ariel had such horrible facial deformities.

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You go, girl!

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I’d throw that tat right down the rabbit hole.

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It’ll be even cooler when all his underarm hair grows back.

Banshee with axe in head Worst Tattoos funny pictures bad tattoos terrible awful ugliest tattoos wtf tattoos, horrible stupid awkward family photos crazy photobombs


What the hell is wrong with her arm. Or she just doing a duck shadow puppet?

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Darn it!  I told ya to keep the magic markers away from Timmy!

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I think that’s one of those things where if ya stare at it long enough ya see a ship.

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Wow. Somebody had a terrible season.

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Stay Tree? And if she looks in the mirror, she can read her own boobies.

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Hey! It’s Bat Boy!

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Oh, grandma!

Stoner Bitch Tramp Stamp Worst Tattoos funny pictures bad tattoos terrible awful ugliest tattoos wtf tattoos, horrible stupid awkward family photos crazy photobombs



Cat Skeleton tattoo Worst Tattoos funny pictures bad tattoos terrible awful ugliest tattoos wtf tattoos, horrible stupid awkward family photos crazy photobombs


Yep, screaming it in horror…

Scream My Name Worst Tattoos funny pictures bad tattoos terrible awful ugliest tattoos wtf tattoos, horrible stupid awkward family photos crazy photobombs


Oh, No! My Dead!

Misspelled You're Dead Knuckles Tattoos Worst Tattoos funny pictures bad tattoos terrible awful ugliest tattoos wtf tattoos, horrible stupid awkward family photos crazy photobombs


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