More Bad, Awkwardly Funny Family Photos
And now… another rousing edition of Bad Family Photos from Team Jimmy Joe. This collection of funny family portraits will touch your heart like taking a pole cat down from a clothes line. Worst of all, you’ll never judge another just for being stupid… you’ll do so also for the stupid, ugly and awkward things they do. Put yer eye on it!
Uncle Leon just found a way to pay for their next Princess Cruise.
Perhaps he shouldn’t have reached for that high note in “Don’t Stop Believin’.”
Grandma’s neighborhood watch just got real.
The snake is being good… Oh, why can’t Tina ever behave???
“Hurry up, honey… The beer’s getting wet!”
(From left to right) Uncle Roy and his life partner Frank, Their adopted son Possum Pete.
I have no idea who those 2 kids in the front are.
Despite doubters… cousin Tiffany’s “Plane Wash” to raise money for the cheerleading squad was a rousing success.
Birthday’s at Margie & Barry’s are always a fun-filled, joyous occasion.
“I can fly!… I can Fly… I can FLY!”
Welcome to Wild Kingdom.
“Pimp my Nephew”
Why we no longer have Christmas at Uncle Bruce’s.
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