Bad Tattoos: 14 More of the Lame & Stupid

More Bad Terrible Tats

Hey-O! Put yer eye on a new crop of Bad Tattoos! This collection of the worst tats goes a long way to show why Walmart stays in business. It’s one thing to have a stupid idea, but it’s whole ‘nother thing to actually find someone to ink it on ya! Even more awful, is to have a good idea then hire a terrible tattoo artist! No matter. It’ just makes me all giddy that these chowder heads takes pics of these funny disasters and puts’em out here for us all to gander at.  


I hope that’s only a rub on.

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That fella must have high standards. Only God can Fudge him.

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Surely you jest…

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Hope she don’t have pollen allergies.

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Sadly, it’ll be even worse when the hair grows back.

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Actually, that’s pretty amazing… In a “I still wouldn’t get it” kinda way”

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Don’t tread on you?. Don’t worry. I won’t even look at ya.

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Russian prisoner… Obviously with a lot of time on his hands.

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What the… ?????

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Poor Snooki.

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Gee, I knew you wanted a tattoo… But is that all you could come up with?

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Aw! He looks like a cute little demented bear!

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Not necessarily in that order…

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Words to Life by.

life is a chice and never give up misspelled tattoos live is a choice Gee, I knew you wanted a tattoo..But is that all you could come up with?

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  1. Steve October 1, 2022

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