NOW CASTING Big Personalities with Bad Tattoos For NEW TV SHOW!

  NOW CASTING: Big Personalities with Bad Tattoos For New TV Show!


Jimmy Joe wants to help make you a TV Star!

TV casting call for big personalities and bad tattoos, worst tattoos horrible tattoos ugliest tattoos, get on tv, nasty tattoos, tattoo removal, fixing a bad tattoo

Do you have a tattoo you are ashamed to show off? Does your tattoo of a pretty flower look more like a wilted vegetable?  Could you really benefit from a complete tattoo makeover? Have a friend who has one?

If so, then we want to hear from you!

A major production company in New York City is currently working on an exciting new show!  We are seeking dynamic and unique individuals who would like the opportunity to have a complete tattoo do-over.  You could be selected to tell your story, and have Las Vegas’s premier tattoo expert transform your mess of a tattoo into an exquisite masterpiece.

This is an opportunity to fix that eyesore and show off the new, improved, tattooed you!  The bigger, funnier and crazier the story of how the bad tattoo came to be –  the better!

If you or someone you know is right for this new show, we want to hear from you! Please send us a photo of yourself (head to toe if possible), a photo of the tattoo(s), and a bit about how you got it.

For more information and to speak with a casting producer, please email

Tell’em Jimmy Joe sent ya!













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