Bad Tattoos, Horrible Regrets
Good Lord, Almighty! What’s this world comin’ to? Can’t say I’ve ever seen a crop of Bad Tattoos quite like this one. Oh, wait, yes I have. Seems no matter where we go these days, we’re surrounded by the worst tats imaginable. Seriously, these babies, from just weird and stupid ideas to the failure in tattoo artistry, we’ve got us the ugliest storm of horrible right here before our eyes!
Now there’s a fella with high self-esteem.
Congrats, Wills! You and Kates should be very happys.
Family Pride… from the entire Hooker family.
Horny devil, ain’t she?
Worst thing about this, besides the tattoo artistry, is one day soon, you’ll have a bad movie character on ya that NOBODY remembers.
Spelled like a true mentally handicapped kidnapper.
Good thing she’s wearing a hair net.
Chewin’ that big of a pencil can’t be good for his teeth.
Sad thing is, he really looks like that.
If it ain’t a self-portrait… it should be.
He drew the exact same thing in his 5th-grade math notebook.
Unfuckwithable? Is that even a word?
Dang! That looks like it hurts! Even her pinky toe is swollen!
Speeken like a true muzical jeanius.
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