Bad Tattoos: 14 Epic WTF Fails

More Bad Tattoos– The Worst and the Funny

Come and get’em! Fresh off the press! A hot, steamin’ load of Bad Tattoos! These nasty inkings won’t leave ya hungry for more. From morning hangover regrets to just plain horrible artistry, these babies are some of the funniest tattoos of the worst kind ever! Seriously, what were these people thinking?


I guess he appreciates fine dining.

Fast Food Logos on Knuckles Taco Bell KFC Worst Tattoos Bad Tattoos Stupid People Funny Nasty Awful Horrible Terrible WTF Epic Fails


Left nipple in the corner pocket! Good shot, Bugs!

Bugs Bunny Shooting Pool Nipple Worst Tattoos Bad Tattoos Stupid People Funny Nasty Awful Horrible Terrible WTF Epic Fails


Good God almighty! Lord knows why the hell ya did that!?!?!

Bad Jesus Lord Knows Religious Tattoos Worst Tattoos Bad Tattoos Stupid People Funny Nasty Awful Horrible Terrible WTF Epic Fails


Hey, who gave that fairy a black eye?

Fairy on Sholuder Back Worst Tattoos Bad Tattoos Stupid People Funny Nasty Awful Horrible Terrible WTF Epic Fails


Nothin’ screams the love for your mom & dad more than putting them right above your poop crack!

Mom & Dad Tamp Stamp Worst Tattoos Bad Tattoos Stupid People Funny Nasty Awful Horrible Terrible WTF Epic Fails



Bad Skull Worst Tattoos Bad Tattoos Stupid People Funny Nasty Awful Horrible Terrible WTF Epic Fails


There he is!

Where's Waldo Behind Ear Worst Tattoos Bad Tattoos Stupid People Funny Nasty Awful Horrible Terrible WTF Epic Fails


Hell, boy! that wouldn’t even be good on a mud flap!

Pole Dancer on Face Tattoo Worst Tattoos Bad Tattoos Stupid People Funny Nasty Awful Horrible Terrible WTF Epic Fails



Spine Tattoo Worst Tattoos Bad Tattoos Stupid People Funny Nasty Awful Horrible Terrible WTF Epic Fails


Wow! Looks like a bunch of tapeworms!

Ugly Maressa Worst Tattoos Bad Tattoos Stupid People Funny Nasty Awful Horrible Terrible WTF Epic Fails


She trying to say she’s a horny backdoor kind of girl?

heart Devil Horns Tail on Butt Ass Worst Tattoos Bad Tattoos Stupid People Funny Nasty Awful Horrible Terrible WTF Epic Fails


Glad to see you have your priorities straight.

In Cash We Trust Worst Tattoos Bad Tattoos Stupid People Funny Nasty Awful Horrible Terrible WTF Epic Fails


Dang, that tattoo is scarier then all those monsters combined!

Movie Monster on Back Kruger Jason Lector Pin Head Worst Tattoos Bad Tattoos Stupid People Funny Nasty Awful Horrible Terrible WTF Epic Fails


No, thenk you, son.  Lave, yer Fother.

Misspelled Thans mother for my life thenks mather Worst Tattoos Bad Tattoos Stupid People Funny Nasty Awful Horrible Terrible WTF Epic Fails


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