25 Old, Creepy Ventriloquists & Dummies

Scary, Vintage Ventriloquists & Dummies

25 Creepy Old Ventriloquists & Dummies Magic Anthony Hopkins

Ever since I saw the 1978 cult movie Magic starring Anthony Hopkins and Ann Margaret, I’ve kinda been creeped-out by ventriloquists and their old wooden dummies. Okay, I take that back.  I have ALWAYS been creeped-out by ventriloquists.

Yep. On the official Creep Factor Scale, I would have to put a ventriloquist and his or her demented little dummy right up there near the top of the list right beneath Clown Paintings and Roseanne Barr.

Now rightly so, ventriloquism has been an honest way to make a living throughout the ages.  But that still doesn’t make me sleep better at night. So I am hopin’ by sharing this post with ya’ll, it will somehow help me cut down on my therapy bill.

So put yer eye on some of the creepiest, scariest, twisted,  vintage ventriloquists and their deranged dummies.  Enjoy!  Oh… and leave a light on tonight!


See what I mean! CREEPY! And just how does a dummy get such nasty sores on it’s wooden face?!?

25 Creepy Old Ventriloquists & Dummies


Oh, yes. Scar the child right from birth.

25 Creepy Old Ventriloquists & Dummies


Severed talking heads.  That’s comforting.

25 Creepy Old Ventriloquists & Dummies


That dummy sure is scoping out one of those little boys! “Hello, Timmy!”

25 Creepy Old Ventriloquists & Dummies


The Vernon Family in their Death Shroud… No, that’s not creepy at all!!

25 Creepy Old Ventriloquists & Dummies


WoW. I think they’re twins!

25 Creepy Old Ventriloquists & Dummies


That is one disturbing relationship.

25 Creepy Old Ventriloquists & Dummies


How to spread the Gospel without moving your lips.

25 Creepy Old Ventriloquists & Dummies


Go figure. He was busted in Detroit.

25 Creepy Old Ventriloquists & Dummies


Nom nom nom nom nom

25 Creepy Old Ventriloquists & Dummies


The first documented Lesbian Ventriloquist Act on record.

25 Creepy Old Ventriloquists & Dummies


Yikes! Is that his dead mother?????

25 Creepy Old Ventriloquists & Dummies


So… who’s getting who drunk here?

25 Creepy Old Ventriloquists & Dummies


I hope singing is all she’s doing.

25 Creepy Old Ventriloquists & Dummies


NASCAR’s Kevin Harvick gettin’ into the act… I think that’s Jimmie Johnson on his lap.

25 Creepy Old Ventriloquists & Dummies


Geraldine and Ricky:  The Love Affair Years

25 Creepy Old Ventriloquists & Dummies


Geraldine and Ricky:  The Later Years… They were not as so kind to Geraldine.

25 Creepy Old Ventriloquists & Dummies


Son of Sam heard voices from a dog that told him to kill.  I fear this could be worse.

25 Creepy Old Ventriloquists & Dummies


Of all the cross-eyed cannibalistic dummies in the world, that one just may be the creepiest!

25 Creepy Old Ventriloquists & Dummies


Yes.  Do you know I hate you?

25 Creepy Old Ventriloquists & Dummies


The hair alone gives me nightmares.

25 Creepy Old Ventriloquists & Dummies


Never let your son go camping with these two.

25 Creepy Old Ventriloquists & Dummies


If he tells you he has candy in his van… RUN!

25 Creepy Old Ventriloquists & Dummies


The creepiest of’em all!

25 Creepy Old Ventriloquists & Dummies

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  1. Anonymous February 8, 2024

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