Bad Tattoos: 15 of the Ugliest Worst

More of the Bad in Worst Tattoos

Gather around the computer box and put yer good eye on more of the worst tats in the world! This samplin’ of bad tattoos just go to show ya, there sure ain’t no shortage of stupid people, lame artists, and cheap tequila! There’s plenty to go around for everybody! As long as these horrible inkings ain’t on you, they sure are funny. But if for some reason these regrettable disasters are yours, I truly am sorry.  I really am. So, so sorry.


Tat on!

Ya think he’s got pants to match?

Shirt Tattoo Worst tattoos Bad Tattoos Funny WTF Regrettable Tattoo Fails Stupid Horrible


Huh? You and your belly button are BFF’s?

BFF Belly Button Worst tattoos Bad Tattoos Funny WTF Regrettable Tattoo Fails Stupid Horrible


Is that where Flower’s buried?

Thumper Bambi Tattoos Worst tattoos Bad Tattoos Funny WTF Regrettable Tattoo Fails Stupid Horrible


My God!!! What happened to her eyes?!?!?

Bad Ugly Portrait of Woman Worst tattoos Bad Tattoos Funny WTF Regrettable Tattoo Fails Stupid Horrible


Lock your doors, ladies.  Lock all your doors.

I Would Die 4 U on Wrist Worst tattoos Bad Tattoos Funny WTF Regrettable Tattoo Fails Stupid Horrible


100% Stupid.

100% Hardcore on Neck Bullet Holes Worst tattoos Bad Tattoos Funny WTF Regrettable Tattoo Fails Stupid Horrible


I take it that relationship didn’t end well.

Blender With Heart Worst tattoos Bad Tattoos Funny WTF Regrettable Tattoo Fails Stupid Horrible


Nice! Who wouldn’t want porn websites tattooed all over their face????

Porn Websites Tattoed on Face Forehead Worst tattoos Bad Tattoos Funny WTF Regrettable Tattoo Fails Stupid Horrible


What the…?  That line for dissection purposes?

Line down Face Chest Worst tattoos Bad Tattoos Funny WTF Regrettable Tattoo Fails Stupid Horrible


Indiana Jones & The Tattoo of Doom.

Indiana Jones Worst tattoos Bad Tattoos Funny WTF Regrettable Tattoo Fails Stupid Horrible


Looks like the ol’ Hulkster could have trimmed that mustache a little more even.

Hulk Hogan Worst tattoos Bad Tattoos Funny WTF Regrettable Tattoo Fails Stupid Horrible


And the Douche Bag of the Week Award goes to…

Cross Forehead Giving Finger Douche Bag Worst tattoos Bad Tattoos Funny WTF Regrettable Tattoo Fails Stupid Horrible


Hey… Halloween’s over.

Cross Screaming Face Religious Worst tattoos Bad Tattoos Funny WTF Regrettable Tattoo Fails Stupid Horrible


Tattoos… The Later Years…

Old Man With Tattoos Worst tattoos Bad Tattoos Funny WTF Regrettable Tattoo Fails Stupid Horrible


Yep.  You are certainly Geniune.

Misspelled Tattoos I may not be perfect but I'm Genuine Worst tattoos Bad Tattoos Funny WTF Regrettable Tattoo Fails Stupid Horrible

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