Bad Tattoos: 16 Horrible & Hideous WTFs!

More Bad Tattoos of the Worst in Horrible

Lordy, they just keep gettin’ uglier and uglier! Yep, more of the Worst Bad Tattoos for your perusal! No regrets here! Hell no! These strange, funny tats are just awesome! Well, in a bad car wreck kinda way… Ya just got stare at the horrible devastation!


What ya think that Fox says?

Fox Say Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


Be better if she let her hair grow out.

Woman with scary baby face under arm Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


So just how long could you gaze lovingly into her eyes?

Eyes on Face 3-D Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


Sure! Advertise to the world that your butt stinks!

Free Food Butt Crack Flies Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


I think ya missed a spot.

Hey I think you missed a spot Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny\


If Mike Tyson were a Ventriloquist’s Dummy.

Portrait of Kid Baby Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


That’s attractive.

Muscles 3-D Torn Skin Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


Forget the bad tattoo! What’s up with his nipples? They look like melted pink Hersey’s Kisses!

SUper Mario Video Game on Chest Nothing says Family Christmas quite like latex.


Merry Christmas to all and to a good… BAM!

Seasons GreetingsPistol Taped on Back Nothing says Family Christmas quite like latex.


Stoned Jesus.

Stoned Jesus Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


Now there’s a woman who really gets around!

Subway System Map on stomach Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


I really like his fan and cute little wave!

Vintage Tattoos Man Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Horrible Awkward Stupid People Regrets Misspelled Nasty Tats WTF Funny


Sweat & Blood. Bad & Terrible.

Charles Atlas Nothing says Family Christmas quite like latex.


Well, ya really shoulda contemplated that past DICISION a little bit harder!

misspelled bad spelling poor decisions Nothing says Family Christmas quite like latex.

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