24 Strange & Funny Statues: The Art of Hilarity

Downright Bizarre & Funny Statues

You know what’s wonderful? We live in a world where many countries don’t censor art. But that doesn’t mean it’s not filled with bizarre pieces! As this bunch of funny statues will attest, there ain’t a shortage of town squares and parks loaded with strange and explicit masterpieces. Well, masterpieces may be a little over-promising. Let’s just say that these statues are masterworks of weird.


Wow… She musta had one big litter!

boobs Funny Statues Weird Statues Bizarre Sexual Strange Statues Awkward Crazy Art


Off, Damn Babies!  Off!

Kicking throwing babies Funny Statues Weird Statues Bizarre Sexual Strange Statues Awkward Crazy Art


They must be going fishing’. That kid’s pickin’ out worms.

kid picking kid's butt Funny Statues Weird Statues Bizarre Sexual Strange Statues Awkward Crazy Art


Perhaps the creepiest thing is the way that statue is looking at her!

Penis statue Funny Statues Weird Statues Bizarre Sexual Strange Statues Awkward Crazy Art


Angry Baby

Angry Baby Funny Statues Weird Statues Bizarre Sexual Strange Statues Awkward Crazy Art


Doin’ it Moosie Style!

Deer making out Funny Statues Weird Statues Bizarre Sexual Strange Statues Awkward Crazy Art


Ouch! That’s gonna leave a mark!

Superman face plant Funny Statues Weird Statues Bizarre Sexual Strange Statues Awkward Crazy Art


Wow!  That kid on the right is giving Buddha a titty twister!

Buddha titty twister Funny Statues Weird Statues Bizarre Sexual Strange Statues Awkward Crazy Art


What you reckon is so interesting up that there pig’s behind?

Looking up pig's butt Funny Statues Weird Statues Bizarre Sexual Strange Statues Awkward Crazy Art


Yes, just what I’d want right outside my apartment.

Peeing Funny Statues Weird Statues Bizarre Sexual Strange Statues Awkward Crazy Art


Get a room.

Monkey BJ Funny Statues Weird Statues Bizarre Sexual Strange Statues Awkward Crazy Art


I think that’s my boss.

Head Up Butt


Looks like Batman’s about to find out if Clark really is the man of steel!

Batman Superman Sexy Superman face plant Funny Statues Weird Statues Bizarre Sexual Strange Statues Awkward Crazy Art


Seriously? A glory hole???

Glory Hole Funny Statues Weird Statues Bizarre Sexual Strange Statues Awkward Crazy Art


Now that’s ironic, ain’t it?

freedoms statue in cage behind fence ironic irony Funny Statues Weird Statues Bizarre Sexual Strange Statues Awkward Crazy Art


Statue erected.

erection in pants jeans poland Funny Statues Weird Statues Bizarre Sexual Strange Statues Awkward Crazy Art


A gnome with a Butt Plug… Yep, just what I would want in my town square.

Gnome Butt Plug Funny Statues Weird Statues Bizarre Sexual Strange Statues Awkward Crazy Art


Who the hell commissioned that????

Cat Butt Poking Funny Statues Weird Statues Bizarre Sexual Strange Statues Awkward Crazy Art


Nothing subtle about that.

Penis statue Funny Statues Weird Statues Bizarre Sexual Strange Statues Awkward Crazy Art


What the hell is he doin’ to that poor turtle?

Riding Humping Turtle Funny Statues Weird Statues Bizarre Sexual Strange Statues Awkward Crazy Art


I ain’t washing my hands there.

Naked men urinals Funny Statues Weird Statues Bizarre Sexual Strange Statues Awkward Crazy Art

Is now really the right time for that?

Funny Statues Weird Statues Bizarre Sexual Strange Statues Awkward Crazy Art


Well… at least we know what killed him.

Under cow sucking udders tombstone Funny Statues Weird Statues Bizarre Sexual Strange Statues Awkward Crazy Art


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