Permanent Stink: 14 Bad Tattoos

Hey, Those Don’t Wash Off

Where do they come from? All these horribly bad tattoos…


That tat looks painful.

Trinity Angel Wings – Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos RegrettableStupid Ugliest Tats WTF Funny



Snake Rangers – Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos RegrettableStupid Ugliest Tats WTF Funny


Is that one of those onion ring towers ya get at Red Robin?

A Skull? Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos RegrettableStupid Ugliest Tats WTF Funny


Call it like you see it.

Hot Mess – Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos RegrettableStupid Ugliest Tats WTF Funny


I think the guy who sat behind me in Study Hall drew that on his notebook.

Heart Wings Chest Tattoo – Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos RegrettableStupid Ugliest Tats WTF Funny


Aw, Nippy the Clown is so sad!

Crying Clown Nipple Nose – Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos RegrettableStupid Ugliest Tats WTF Funny


Illegalize stupidity.

Legalize Murder – Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos RegrettableStupid Ugliest Tats WTF Funny


Just what I want… Chuck Norris & Mr. T kicking the poop outta my butt!

Mr. T Chuck Norris Butt – Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos RegrettableStupid Ugliest Tats WTF Funny


I like your vest.

– Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos RegrettableStupid Ugliest Tats WTF Funny


Rock on, TGod.

Bad Portraits – Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos RegrettableStupid Ugliest Tats WTF Funny


Yep. LOL.

Yolo LoL – Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos RegrettableStupid Ugliest Tats WTF Funny


Why do I get this eerie feeling he stares into the mirror like that all day long?

Woman on Chest Nipples – Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos RegrettableStupid Ugliest Tats WTF Funny


Wait until it’s finished. It’ll be just as bad.

– Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos RegrettableStupid Ugliest Tats WTF Funny


It’s good to have an angle.

Misspelled My Mom is My Angle – Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos RegrettableStupid Ugliest Tats WTF Funny

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