Here to Stay – 13 More Bad Tattoos

Forever and Ever the Worst Tats

Ya better get used to’em.


Even Abe doesn’t seem too sure about this one.

Abe Lincold – The Worst Bad Tattoos, The Ugliest Regrets, too.


Bad dogs… No, seriously… bad dogs.

Dogs – The Worst Bad Tattoos, The Ugliest Regrets, too.


Why is there a bowling ball behind that owl?

Owl – The Worst Bad Tattoos, The Ugliest Regrets, too.


I’m not about to touch that!

Nipple Buzzer – The Worst Bad Tattoos, The Ugliest Regrets, too.


Jimi Hendrix or Alfalfa?

Jimi Hendrix – The Worst Bad Tattoos, The Ugliest Regrets, too.


LOL! I’m likin’ this one!

Playing the Gameboy – The Worst Bad Tattoos, The Ugliest Regrets, too.


Billy Jack!! Anyone else remember the Billy Jack movies?

Billy Jack – The Worst Bad Tattoos, The Ugliest Regrets, too.


Looks like he had to start over a few times.

True Love – The Worst Bad Tattoos, The Ugliest Regrets, too.


I like her freckles.

Woman's Portrait – The Worst Bad Tattoos, The Ugliest Regrets, too.


Wow. Another bad Korn tattoo. Why are there so many?

Korn – The Worst Bad Tattoos, The Ugliest Regrets, too.


Now that’s love.

Heart in Hand – The Worst Bad Tattoos, The Ugliest Regrets, too.


Unbelievable. Perhaps the all-time worst bad tattoo ever!

Unbelievable Rats and Penises – The Worst Bad Tattoos, The Ugliest Regrets, too.


Can’t speak… Can’t spell either.

Misspelled – The Worst Bad Tattoos, The Ugliest Regrets, too.

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