Creepy Things Kids Have Said to Parents
One day on Reddit, someone posed the question: “What is the creepiest thing your young child has ever said to you?” The answers poured in by the thousands– creepy, terrifying and deranged. And yes, some responses are downright funny in a scary, psychopathic sort of way.
Take a gander at what these kids had to say and see if you can sleep tonight.
So… what’s the creepiest thing you’ve heard a kid say? Let us know!
For more creepy kid stuff, see the spooky things children have told baby sitters!
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I remember once when my dad gave me money to pay the electricity bill but instead I bought a raffle ticket for a brand new car. When I got home, I explained to my dad what I did and he beat the crap out of me. But the next day, when my dad woke up and opened the door, outside my house was a brand new car. We all cried especially me, because the car was from the electricity company, they were there to cut off the electricity, my dad beat the crap out of me again.
A guy was packing for a business trip and his five year old daughter was having a wonderful time playing on the bed helping her Daddy pack for his big trip. At one point she giggled and said, “Daddy, Daddy… Look at this,” and stuck out two of her little fingers. Trying to keep her entertained and enjoying her playful mood, he reached out and stuck her tiny fingers in his mouth and said, “Daddy’s gonna eat your fingers, nom nom nom…” pretending to eat them and then went back to packing for his trip. He couldn’t help but notice how quiet she had become and looked up to see his is daughter standing on the bed staring at her fingers with a devastated and bewildered look on her face. He looked at her and said, “What’s wrong, honey? Daddy was just playing. I would never really eat your fingers!” and let out a little giggle. She replied, “I know you were just playing Daddy but what happened to my boogie?
When I was a kid in my early teens I was at my grandfather’s house. We were sleeping over and in the middle of the night I woke up to use the bathroom. On the way I stopped and suddenly I couldn’t see and then I felt my feet leaving the ground and I started slowly bouncing off the walls back and forth like 3 or 4 times until my grandpa got woken up and when he opened his door it stopped, like I was just dropped. He was mad until I told him what happened, I thought he wouldn’t believe me but right away he said oh, that’s your grandmother, she’s crazy and went back to bed. I was always pretty frightened there and that’s not the only thing that happened to me or my sister there.
So my friends daughter has an imaginary friend (or so we thought).One day she came over to my house and my dog buster went crazy barking and growling and I had to hold him back.I locked him in his kennel and he continued to bark and growl but we went about our day.About a month later we went to my house and as I was unlocking the door her daughter screamed”No I don’t want to go in there!Abby doesn’t like the wolf!!!”Me and my friend were confused.Their house is really old.Aperently their was a girl Lizzie’s age(Her daughter) that lived in their house.She went to go out and collect fire wood and it attacked by wolfs and died.Her imaginary friend was her ghost.
I live in a house built in the late 1950’s. Since the day I moved in with my two children, I have always felt that there was a presence in the place. My kids felt it too, we even joked about our resident “Ghost” and named him Henry. Fast forward five years, my boyfriend (now my Husband), moved in with us. The kids and I would tell him stories about Henry, such as “Henry moved the fruit bowl in the kitchen”. or “I heard Henry clomping down the hallway in his work boots”. My boyfriend, (I’ll call him Bert), never believed us, until one afternoon … I was on the computer in the office, at the end of the hall, the kids were in their respective rooms. Bert came flying out of the bathroom where he had been taking a shower, with nothing but a towel clutched to his privates, covered in soap suds! “What happened”? I exclaimed. “Holy Crap”! Bert yelled, once he caught his breath. “You are never going to believe what just happened”! “Try me”, I said, already guessing that he had finally encountered our Henry. Bert stutters, “I was taking a shower when I heard the bathroom door open. I thought it was you trying to scare me. When I pulled back the shower curtain and peeked out, no one was there and the door was closed. I figured that it was just my imagination. Suddenly, I saw a shadow appear on the other side of the closed shower curtain. Looking down, I saw the shadow of two feet. As I started to once more pull back the curtain, it was violently pushed in on me and then sucked back out! “I guess that makes you a believer now”, I said. It took Bert a long time to go back into that bathroom without at least one of our dogs with him to “stand guard”. There are many more stories of Henry, that is just one of them.
My niece 3yrs old , when saying goodbye to her dad ( who was being deployed) said “I’ll miss you if you fall in lava” she’s not in preschool, so I don’t even know where that came from.
when i was younger like 3 or 4 i was walking doun my concrete stairs and a black figure grabed me and threw me doun and the jumped dou and started choking me
da fuck
I was sleeping one night and You would not believe your eyes
If ten million fireflies
Lit up the world as I fell asleep
‘Cause they fill the open air
And leave teardrops everywhere
You’d think me rude but I would just stand and stare
I’d like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly
It’s hard to say that I’d rather stay awake when I’m asleep
‘Cause everything is never as it seems
‘Cause I’d get a thousand hugs
From ten thousand lightning bugs
As they tried to teach me how to dance
A foxtrot above my head
A sock hop beneath my bed
A disco ball is just hanging by a thread (thread, thread)
I’d like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly
It’s hard to say that I’d rather stay awake when I’m asleep
‘Cause everything is never as it seems (when I fall asleep)
Leave my door open just a crack
Please take me away from here
‘Cause I feel like such an insomniac
Please take me away from here
Why do I tire of counting sheep
Please take me away from here
When I’m far too tired to fall asleep
To ten million fireflies
I’m weird cause I hate goodbyes
I got misty eyes as they said farewell (said farewell)
But I’ll know where several are
If my dreams get real bizarre
‘Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar (jar, jar)
I’d like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly
It’s hard to say that I’d rather stay awake when I’m asleep
‘Cause everything is never as it seems (when I fall asleep)
I’d like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly
It’s hard to say that I’d rather stay awake when I’m asleep
‘Cause everything is never as it seems (when I fall asleep)
When my stepsister was about three or four, she had this imaginary friend named Neeta or something like that. She would talk to Neeta in the middle of the night and she would tell us about how she would play with her. Normal imaginary friend stuff. Then a new imaginary friend came along named Harley and when we asked her who Harley was, she would refuse to talk about her. After asking her over and over who Harley was she told us that Harley was the mean girl who drowned Neeta in the lake and then some how died. So she had been talking to two little dead children the whole time. She eventually grew out of her imaginary friends and we never heard about them again.
my grandma before i was born. i knew she would want to meet me so one night she did. i was 8 i slept with my mom. i suddenly woke up (i never ever wake up) some reason i looked at the wall. i seen someone floating. my mom explained ghost to me (and i was 8 what did ik) it looked just like her. i looked at the pictures of my grandma and seen it was her. sometimes i wake up in the night and see if shes there.
Well I’m pretty sure that this happened and I was about 14 years old the time it happened. Here it goes….
We had my little cousins visiting and they were about 2 to 4 years old at the time. So I had to sleep in the living room to make space for them.I woke up one night to go to the bathroom and as I came back to lay down, I noticed a humanoid figure near the kitchen door. It was slowly approaching. So I thought it was one of my little cousins, so I called the name of one of them but it didn’t answer. So I thought it was the other cousin so I called his name but no reply. Then I said to myself that it could be my sister who was also about that same age and I called her name but no answer. Now as the thing came closer, I realized that it was hovering up and down but it’s feet were not touching the floor, it was floating. And I tried to make out the face of it. It had no face at all and the surface of it’s skin was like that of a crocodile’s skin, till the face, it was all like that. And when I realized what was happening, the being floating in the air and coming closer to me I got so freaked out and being the Christian that I am, I closed my eyes and I clinched my fists so tight and I said “in the Name of Jesus” 3 times and as I opened my eyes, it was gone.
In the morning I told everyone what had happened to me.
Yoh what an experience it was.
once i was in my bed with my sister she was on top and i was on the bottom and she said i hear spongbob laughing in the corner and started to cry and left me in the room and went to get my parents and she selpt in their room and never came back for me
Haha awwwww
Last year, my I asked my 3 year old sister what her favorite food is. She said, “feet are so yummy when the red goes out!!!.”
Ewwww gross but still scary
Age 8 my aunt cared for me. One night while sitting on the bed watching TV, I saw a tall black figure with red eyes wearing a trench coat in the hallway. It looked straight at me and once I made eye contact I resumed watching TV. It disappeared. I fell asleep and woke up to a police officer carrying me to the living room couch. Once he sat me down I was fully awake and I looked straight ahead to the back door and saw the figure turn to me and walk out. Well my aunt had a stroke in her sleep that night and died. I wasn’t freaked out by it so I assume it was death.
Hi I’m new to this site I am very interested in the paranormal but I don’t have a scary story
When I was nine and my little sister was six, she walked up to my dad and said when I was in heaven I was riding a “white horse and it threw me off. Then I hit my head it hurt, then I came here!”
My qmqzqng lqngqqgq!
My granpa has recently passed away and my 6 ysold cousin was very close to him. When she started saying that she sometimes speaks with him we were a little freak out but we thought that she might be coping with his death. One day she was watching at my other aunt,s roof ( she lives next to my cousin’s house), I asked her what was she watching and she say that ” grandpa is on auntie’s roof, he told me that he has to take care of her now” A few weeks later we found out that she had cancer. So we realized that she was ( and is) actually talking with our grandpa..
That last one is by far the scariest. How could you raise something like that to an age where it can speak without realising its some sort of pizza hating, inhuman monster?
About a month ago i got in trouble for using the wifi with asking so i had to stay home the next day while my brother and sisters went to the movies. I was working with my dad outside and I was slipping in and out of consciousness. It felt like i was dreaming a few minutes later i had the sudden urge to run so when my dad wasn’t looking I started running up the hill. It was like i was unconscious so when I opened my eyes again I was almost out my driveway. I heard something and looked behind me and saw my dad driving towards me with the van. After telling me constantly to get in the van and me refusing, I went over to the back of the van, got up on the bumper, raise my hands above my head and fell. (My told me this) He picked me up and put me in the van. He told me that I was looking out the window growling and when he said my name I growled at him. He also said a few seconds later I was flailing my arms everywhere and started shaking and stuff, and that I fell off the seat and kept shaking and flailing my arms and stuff. I don’t remember any of this. I,m only 14
My sister walked up to me and said ” I`ll never eat you! I`ll just hang you from the celing like that lady did. Did the fastest 180 in history. And she was four.
You were posssessed.
Holy crap man
You need to go for deliverance – you have demon in you. No lies
Before I had my daughter I used to take my niece a lot. Well when I lived in this creepy old trailer, I was watching her. I went out to smoke a cigarette but I left the door open because she was sitting at a little kids table I had bought her. Next thing I know she says in a calm voice, “Aunt Ashley, who’s the lady with no feet?” As she points toward my kitchen. Mind you, her and I were the only ones there.
And then fast forward a couple of years and my nephew and niece and daughter are at my new place. My niece and nephew were playing in my hall way when my nephew walks out and says ,”I can’t go back there, Aunt Ashley, the man with the eye is back there.” As he is pointing to his forehead.
My daughter is only one so she hasn’t said anything to me yet but when I go in her room I can feel someone watching me. And she refuses to sleep in there. Kids have a greater sense for the paranormal than most adults do. We should take note of them.
I used to babysit these kids, one was 6 and the other was 9. They came from a really wealthy family, and were rotten and spoilt. And always arguing! The six year old boy loved cars, and his parents had bought him a mini electric one he could drive himself. So one evening, the parents went out drinking and the nine year old girl went to her friends house. It was me and the six year old boy, Nathan. The parents gave me strict instructions on Nathan’s dinner. Nathan asked me if he could have ice cream for dinner. I said no. He said, “If you don’t give me ice cream for dinner I’ll run you over with my car, and beat you to death with my baseball bat.” I never went back to their house again.
My OTHER sister, who was three, said ” Why did they do it?” I asked “Why did they do what?” She said
“Don`t you remember? You were there. They beat me up, asked me questions, then they hung me with a rope! ” I was terrified.
when i was 9 or 8 years old i remeomber at the night when
i was with my older sister molly when i finished
eating i came to my room and wait for molly
but after molly came in my room the lits were off and i was
really scared but molly was reading funny news papers
and i took all of my pillows and put it ini saw i ghost w my side but after that
i saw a ghost wearing white dress but i cant see her face
because it was covered with hair but i ignored it and after thathen i looked
again it came closer and closer and i freaked out and close my eyes a
and it disappear
a husband told everyone his wife left him for another man and they believe him. months goes by his 3 year old told people that his mom was with the dead people . there a road in a town where i live call sleep hill and there a grave yard that very scary looking when you drive by at night. anyways his dad sister got tired of him saying this turn into the grave yard and ask him where he point and yup a new grave without a grave stone. listen to kids l
Freaks me out??
So in my last job I had to travel a lot from city to city as I conduct training programs for professionals of all kinds.
I always lock my room before I sleep wherever I go for safety. Once I checked in a hotel room and asked the bell boy to get my breakfast served in my room. the next morning they served me the breakfast, I ate what I could and left a couple of bread pieces and a whole egg. I got up too early so decided to take a nap and locked my room.
When I woke up, the bread pieces were gone and all that was left was a pealed off egg shell.
Another time in a hotel, I realized that every morning my stationary disappears from the bathroom and sometimes there is too much of it even when I am in the room the whole time and nobody came in. I decided to record the whole thing in case someone was trying to pull a prank on me. I hid a camera in the room and went about my business.
When I came back I saw the camera turned around. when I saw the video, the camera went off at the exact time when I walked in the room.
There was this one day, where I had a math test.
That’s scary as all get out!
How my uncle died-He came home late from work, he was really pale, disheveled and his eyes looked slightly glazed, my aunt asked him if he was okay and he said he was fine, she argued that he wasn’t and that they should call 911 and he said I’m fine, he sat down on the bed while she sat on a chair facing him, he looked over her shoulder blankly and gasped “oh.” And then he fell back onto the bed and he was dead.
I had it as a dream literally the night he died and I told my parents about it minutes before my aunt called, they told me what happened was real and to this day I’m freaked out. The dreams keep reacurring and I just had another last night. It’s always from my aunts perspective.
How my uncle died-He came home late from work, he was really pale, disheveled and his eyes looked slightly glazed, my aunt asked him if he was okay and he said he was fine, she argued that he wasn’t and that they should call 911 and he said I’m fine, he sat down on the bed while she sat on a chair facing him, he looked over her shoulder blankly and gasped “oh.” And then he fell back onto the bed and he was dead. 🙁
I had it as a dream literally the night he died and I told my parents about it minutes before my aunt called, they told me what happened was real and to this day I’m freaked out. The dreams keep reacurring and I just had another last night. It’s always from my aunts perspective.
Oops double commented!
NO WAY!!!!!
That’s a good one lol!
once, my family are going to a wedding.. we run out of gas and decided to stop at the gas station when suddenly my younger sister(3yo) start talking with someone in the car.. btw she is sitting alone in the last row of the car.. she said the girl name is Tiffany. she said Tiffany is a nice girl but she doesnt had any arm with her.all of us doesnt really believe her when suddenly she asked her to stop at a river and told us that Tiffany wanted to stop here. she told us that Tiffany thanks us for the trip and she wave at Tiffany who we believed has went out from the car.
Yep. That is creepy.
one night i was in the kithen and my little brother started saying knife knife knifitty knife i was freaking out he was 2 and so i handed him a butter knife and he said that he was murdered and he has only say 5 words since birth and so i stoped making a sandwhich and ran the scariest part he was still singing knife …ect
Holy poop!
Holy shit
Holy fucking cunting bastard twatty shit!
I remember that day when I was 4 years old. It was a nice summer day and the sky was blue. I was in a kitchen with my mother. I was looking at the sky and smiled – Ocean, Ocean!
– No, it’s a sky, not ocean.- my mother replied and after she asked do I remember what happened to me in previous life.
– Yes, I was eaten by a shark.
No jokes here. I live far away from the ocean( Baltic country) I’ve never been to the ocean and can’t really tell the difference. But I still feel this strange kind of sensation that my home is somewhere by the ocean shore and I also have panic fear of sharks.
Yikes! Do you ever go to the ocean?
Cool stuff man
I’m 38 my 8 year old son went to sleep and that night when I went down to get a snack. I saw my son all the trash was on the floor. That night when i was cleaning it up I went back to sleep. I went to go wake up my son for school. HE WAS GONE. there was blood on the window. That said: cloudy with a chance of kidnapping, and it was CLOUDY that night! I called the police and told them what happened. They couldn’t find whoever kidnapped my son. They said he had been killed. And from that night on I always hear sounds in my sons room (which is now a guest room).
no. He actually drowned. 🙁
not he actully tormented me and killed him and i went to a facility for 2 years
OH MY GOD. All of these are nothing compared to what my little sister said one time. I was baby sitting my 4 year old sis and at the time I was 13. So she fell asleep on the couch and just sat next to her and started watching tv. A bit later she woke up and I asked her if she needed anything. She said no, then got up and got some water, then said “Will, why did you have to kill Daddy?”. I asked what she was talking about and she just said “you know, the man in the closet.” So I asked her which closet, she just said “haha, he said no telling.” Then she was about to sit back on the couch but I made her go to her room to sleep. I checked each closet while holding a kitchen knife, just to make shure. But my dad died when I was only 5. She shouldn’t even know about his death.
SO did you kill you dad??
When I was in my new house in Wilmar in 3rd grade, My friend Alexis drove all the way from Bemidji to see me and my sister Serenati slept in the basement even though it was like the pit of the Devil but she was 14 and would do anything for her own room anyway, Alexis’s parents slept in the basement and Serenati slept on the couch. And she always heard noises but it was pitch black, and she couldn’t see anything. And Alexis’s parents heard noises too, and went to check it out, but they couldn’t see anything since it was so dark. They used their cameras and took pictures for light, but saw nothing. After that, they looked at the photos for fun, and what they saw freaked them out. In the photos was a face, just a face. That’s all. Just a face. No one was in the basement with them.
One day, my I was reading my brother a story, and he pointed behind me and said: “Who’s that guy?” I was so scared, I decided not to move, and just let whoever was about to kill me do it quick. After a minute, I turned around, but there was no one there. Freaky!
When I went to my Aunts house, My Aunts son walked into the room with blue nurse gloves on, and asked her to lay down. She did. He left, and came back with something behind his back, climbed on the bed, sat on her legs, and said, “Lets do this.” Then he pulled a enormous knife from behind his back, and brought it down slowly near her belly. She screamed and pushed him away, and asked what he was doing. He responded saying, ” I was trying to get my baby sister out.” She later went to the doctor, and she was two weeks pregnant. And it was a girl.
When I was in 3rd grade we moved to a new house in Wilmar and my sister literally slept walked every night and one night she was speed walking past my moms bedroom and my mom stopped her and Halii, my sister said to my mom that my other sister was calling her, then my mom realized she was sleep walking my mom just ignored it and put her back to sleep and then she slept walked again that same night and said that my mom was calling her to play a game my mom just ignored that because now she was really tired and when she was done tucking her in Halii screamed that my mom was going to get hurt anyway. But that SAME night my brother woke up screaming and then told my mom that he had a nightmare about her getting hurt while playing a game with Halii, we even called a preacher to come,but it didn’t really help.
My sister, when I was 9, she was 5, I was reading my book, and she walked up to me, and said: “SHUT THE F**K UP, LISA!” That is not my name. I went to her and asked who Lisa was, so she went to the closet, grabbed the family photo album, and pointed at a picture of my Aunt Lisa. She died a day before I was born.
When I was a little girl, My Grandpa hap just died. When we went to my Grandmas house, She was crying. I apparently walked up to her and said: “Don’t be sad Gramma. You’ll see Papa tomorrow.” Everyone thought I meant at the funeral. Nope. My Grandma died that night. ~_~
I was looking after the neighbours children one night, when I heard a strange noise it sounded like a chair being dragged along the floor. So I went upstairs to check on the girls, the oldest she was 4 at the time, was sitting up in her bed staring at nothing. I asked her what she was doing and she said he doesn’t like to sit there. It freaked me out so much she had a night light so I knew there was nothing there but I turned on the light anyway and she was fast asleep. I tried to convince myself that she was dreaming but I was so freaked out I couldn’t wait to leave :/
That’s scary.?
Yes indeedy, Marissa!
One day a cup fell down the end
one time I had a dream about me and my mom in our van and we were on a bridge with a bunch of fog on it and there was a truck in front of Us and it went on the bridge and a second later came out with blood splatered on all of the Windows and then I saw what apeared to be a girl but she looked like a shadow and then I woke up and ive seen that girl almost every night scince then and I never have anymore nice dreams I only have had nightmares since then.
Okay so I was around 10 at the time this happen.
Me, my sister and her friends along with my brothers went up into the attic in from my moms closet. Two of my brothers went in first they were all the way at the end of the attic looking through the hole that was in the wall, they thought there was a dead body in there. I was in the middle of an attic and every one elsee was by the entrance, my family told me my eyes rolled to the back of my head and i said “If you dont go to heaven you fall to hell” i then fell through the ceiling. I had a male hand print on my back for a week!!
How can you tell the gender of a handprint??
Size of the handprint?
About 7 years old-girl went to my bathroom and I waited outside. After she came out, she said: “You have a nice mask in your bathrooom.” I went to the bathroom and asked her “What mask, there is no mask”
That’s creepy as f
OK so today my dad my brother and my sis were with me at DR and my sis said day I want to eat u r skin.oh and just say in DOLLS ARE F****** EVIEL
Good golly, Wolf! What’s next???
Holy crap that’s creepy!
I also ounce had a friend and we were playing Mario brothers and she told me to go outside so she could tell me something I went with her and she said she w monster with the empire I said cool what kind of monster she said she was a vampire and I said cool. Then she asked if I wanted to spend the night I woke up to her trying to bite my neck. AND SHE WAS IN 4 GRADE AND I WAS IN 1ST ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Had she recently seen twilight or some sorta vampire film? Explains everything
One time when I was 2 I Said to my grandma 72 you Don’t give me candy I will murder you.
A nether time I was sleeping and I started acting like a dog and tried to bite my sister and brother.
This year aper entry I fell. And when I woke up I tried eating my friends saying they were gummy bears.ans I never thought I’d do that now I’m super sorry about it I can’t remember it but I was told I fell again and when I got up I started saying DOLLS ARE NOT WANTED THE EMPIRE IS NOT WANTED . Offer and over a gain I remember that .
So how’s therapy working out? Just kidding! Thanks for sharing!
So one of my friends moms used to work a t a nail salon and when my friend and I were there we had to close up and I turned all of the lights off and as we were walking out to lock the door and the lights in the back turned on. It was so fickin creepy! Then we had to go back and turn them off again and as we were walking back to the door I could have swore that a black figure walked in. I started freaking out! My friend saw it to so I know I wasn’t creepy. The next day we went back and we were talking to a little girl who was getting her nails done and she said to me, “Have you met jack yet?” I havent gone back since and I’m still freaked out when we drive by there.
I was about in Kindergarten and my neighborhood friend Victoria was over in the house. About thirty minutes later I heard screaming and ran to see Victoria shoving a table in front of my closet.
She was trying to suffocate my sister.
I yelled at her and she looked at me with a deranged look on her face, “You’re next soon, dearie.”
I haven’t seen her ever since then.
And i thought my friends were crazy
that’s terrible! she’s probably in prison now
One time I was walking home with my (at the time ) 11 year old friend and we walk by this broken down house he looks at me and says That Death hasn’t come there yet and the spirits are still there when we get to his house his (at the time ) 3 year old stares at a window for like 5 minutes and I ask “what r u staring at and he says “the man, let him in he wants to play so me and my friend walk outside and there’s nothing there when we get back inside his brother says “thank you for letting him in, he is much happier” and I ask who he says “the man in black he wants to play” and at that point me and my friend start running to my house.
I would have turned and run a whole lot sooner! Thanks for sharing, Lyon!
Did you say your 11 year old friend had a 3 year old kid???
I ask my son want to go to McDonald with me and Grandma is said yes and gladly . As we was leaving and he was sitting in that van he said this person do not want to go I ask who he said this person….And then say I want to go to McDonald but this person does not ….and he was look at an empty seat in the van beside him I was freak out at the time he was only 5 year old now he 19 year old and does not remember a thing about it but since then we move away from that house he was not the only one that seen thing in that place my other son as we
this really happen so scary….my name is Mattie …..I ask my son want to go to McDonald with me and Grandma he said yes and gladly . As we was leaving and he was sitting in that van he said this person do not want to go I ask who he said this person….And then say I want to go to McDonald but this person does not ….and he was look at an empty seat in the van beside him I was freak out at the time he was only 5 year old now he 19 year old and does not remember a thing about it but since then we move away from that house he was not the only one that seen thing in that place my other son as well
That is creepy Ms Mattie! Thanks for sharing!
me and my husband never made funny of our 2 sons because we really believe they seen those things… one in college I wish I had a brain like his and the other working so he can pay for his college education ,very good young men. They are gift from God above. Amen
You have really bad grammer sorry
lol. I didn’t write these. They are actual submissions from people on Reddit
sorry, its the best I can do and the ghost story about my son….if I had anbetter education I could do better. I always had learning problem as a child and adult am 52 year old….my mom did her best but it was so hard for me to remember many words as a child and now an adults I do the best I can but I believe the story about ghost…thank you all very much ///
I think you did fine and I enjoyed the story. Thanks for sharing 🙂
I agree ?
You spelled “grammer” wrong. Mattie, don’t apologize, you did nothing wrong.
Yes Mattie,
Never apologize for trying to do the best you can do and for the lack of understanding of other’s. Your story was easily understood despite the grammar errors. Continue writing and sharing.
Don’t worry Mattie, nobody is perfect. We learn everyday. Trust me, you do better then some scholars out there. I liked your story.
It makes me chuckle when people point things out in others, and then misspell, like “you have bad grammer”.
So true
Dude, you didnt even write grammar correctly.
And you have very bad spelling and need to use punctuation; it’s grammar, not grammer.
Hey, Dawn, thanks for commenting. These responses are straight from those who responded on Reddit. The “grammar” and spelling mistakes and such are taken straight from their responses :).
Hope ya come back again! Your comments are always welcomed!
Okay this could just be my imagination but when I was about six I was dog sitting and all of a sudden the dog ran out to the kitchen facing the sink and randomly started barking and my mom and step dad were sleeping and I see that watr running and I’m pretty sure I see a dish moving both ofnthe people I wss with were sleeping and then I go to sleep and when I wake up I ask my mom and step dad if either of them had left the water running and they both said no
When I was 4 years old my father had gone to a funeral for one of his drum students which I will call willam he brought home a picture and placed it in the basement from the funeral that morning I saw the picture and said to my dad that’s the boy that crawled in my window and played dolls last night with me my mom questioned me and I told her that he had brown hair that was short big brown eyes and wore a t shirt and jeans my father gave me a other picture of him and I said that’s William!!!!!
Fast forward I was playing outside with my twin brother about 2. Years later and we all of the sudden started playing with this teenager who like he was 15 I have always told myself that was Willam because of his similar appearance of William and because all of the sudden he disappeared saying bye tell your dad I’m doing great!
Let’s just say I have never seen William ever again except for the couple of insedent where I have recalled seeing him as a child
That’s dang CRAZY, Mallory! Thanks for sharing’!
Hi. I am new to this site. I am reading these stories since last 2-3 days. I want to comment on some of the experiences. I am hindu by birth. We hindus follow few rituals. They are as follow – 1. Before staying in a new house (owned) we conduct house cleansing ceremony. If house is on rental basis then also we have small ceremony (lord ganesh puja) to cleanse that house. This is done in order to remove evil energy from that house.
2. We must take bath once we are back from funeral.
3. While sleping one should sleep in south -north direction. Head on south and legs on north. Which gives you good sleep. This is scientifically proven.
I hope you like my comments. Really sorry in advance if i have hurt anyone’s feeling. May God bless all.
Didn’t hurt my feelings, I like learning about other cultures
Here is a really scary story u ready? Ok here it goes. one night my mom…………
LOL! That is scary, Haley~!
My friends daughter who is 7 told her dad that she doesn’t like to be cold and wanted to know if she could cut off his skin and wear it all the time to keep warm!!
For those of you who posted your own creepy kids story here, I hope ya don’t mind, I used them in a new post!
jimmy joe
my friend’s 4 year old boy asked me if i missed Daniel (my husband) and i said where you got that from? (I’m his baby sitter) and then he said your 21 and your husband wanted to know i was terrified (my husband i a car crash and died before my 21 birthday) Every time i sit in front of my laptop since this day i’d see a man walk in front of my window outside so i locked the door always and another day the kid told me that Daniel said “why are you locking me out you don’t love me anyone” so i ran of and called his parents i had nowhere to i never wanted to go back in the house anymore my friend told me that if i want i can come at her house i said i’m scared of her son.
My mum told me once when we lived in an old apartment and I was about 3 I would stare and my mum goes “what are you looking at ” and I go ” a girl mummy” and a ghost believer she is goes “what does she look like ” in like ” she’s white mummy then black then white then black ” mum done some research and apparently a young girl died in that house of a fire and she got burned alive … Creepy if you ask me
I’ve always been very sensitive to stuff, my whole life. Things don’t really scare me. I see stuff everywhere I live and freak most people out if I mention things so I usually keep it to myself as long as I feel like whatever is there won’t harm anybody.
I used to live in an apartment duplex, and I knew there was a young woman attached to the house. She would walk between the bathroom and the laundry room, I was pretty sure she had drowned but never tried to hurt me nor my daughter. Well when my daughter was about two we were laying on the ground facing each other coloring together. She was facing the laundry room and she looked up and looked right behind me and focused on the lady, I could tell then says “Mommy are ghosts bad?” and I told her “no baby, not all of them they are just stuck” and she put her head back down and kept coloring. We lived there for 2 years and she would regularly talk to the ghost. We shared a room so she would always talk to her and face the closet. It always scared people when they would hear her having a full conversation when she would do to the room
That is so freakin cool!!