Hilarious Pic Dump from State & County Fairs
It’s the season for state and county fairs across the good ol’ U.S of A. And only in America, can you find them this Redneckified.
It’s like going to an outside Walmart… with rides.
Mmmmm… Instant Clogged Arteries.
How do you keep from slipping off a park bench?
That totally deserves a Blue Ribbon for sure!
Too much Tilt-a-Whirl perhaps?
Now that’s appropriate.
“Show Me Your Udders”.
Try the deep-fried butter…
What to wear to the County Fair.
No thanks. I’m more of a deep-fried Tang kind of guy.
After a ride on the Wedgie-Go-Round.
The Official Redneck Burger.
No problem with licensing or copyright infringement here.
Go for it. You only live once.
Nothing like enjoying a kid-friendly goat race on a hot summer afternoon.
A bowling pin and a diaper… I am so afraid to ask.
Just in case you catch the diabetes while at the fair…
No Prizes but Full of Surprises!
Just hangin’ at the fair… listening to some tunes… gettin’ ready to get physical…
SOURCE: Seriously For Real
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