Nailed It! Well, Close Enough ~ 24 Pics

Close Enough, I guess. You may have failed, but at least you tried.

Nailed It!… Well, Almost.

However, we do applaud the gallant effort.


If the shoe fits…

If the Shoe Fits...... 24 Funny Pics


Atta boy, Starbucks guy! Very observant.

That Black Guy... You Had One Job, Starbucks Guy!.... 24 funny pics


Warm & Precious… mostly warm.

Well, Close Enough... 24 pics of Almost.


Why I love Pinterest.

Nailed It!... Well, Close Enough... 24 pics


God Bless the Public School System.

You Had One Job... 24 pics of Almost.


She asked for a Marilyn Monroe tattoo. Obviously, she forgot to ask for a good one.

Nailed It!... Well, Close Enough... 24 pics of Almost.


Absolutely! Ya nailed that bitch!

Close Enough... 24 Funny Pics


LOL! Yep. Dead on.

Nailed It!... Well, Close Enough... 24 pics of Almost.


He asked for Mayo on the side. Not on top.

You Had One Job... 24 pics of Almost.


I’m sure Rihanna absolutely loves it, Josh.

Nailed It!... Well, Close Enough... 24 pics of Almost.


Notre Dame. Raising the bar on Academic Standards.

Nailed It!... Well, Close Enough... 24 pics of Almost.


Obviously, their tank is on empty.

Nailed It!... Well, Close Enough... 24 pics of Almost.

That’ll work. Safety first.

Well, Close Enough... 24 pics of Almost.



Nailed It!... Well, Close Enough... 24 pics of Almost.


Who do ya think ate all those?

 Well, Close Enough... 24 pics of Almost.

It’s just you.

Nailed It!... Well, Close Enough... 24 pics of Almost.


Say, “Ahhhhhhh…”

Nailed It!... Well, Close Enough... 24 pics of Almost.


Oh, yes!

Nailed It!... Well, Close Enough... 24 pics of Almost.


You had one job. Just one.

You Had One Job... 24 pics of Almost.


Yep. That’s about right.

 Close Enough... 24 pics of Almost.


Hollywood… Somliwood

Nailed It!... Well, Close Enough... 24 pics of Almost.


Ouch! And what’s up with the tiny T-Rex arms?

Nailed It!... Well, Close Enough... 24 pics of Almost.


Oh, so close!

Nailed It!... Well, Close Enough... 24 pics of Almost.


A shot of Red Eye anyone?

Nailed It!... Well, Close Enough... 24 pics of Almost.

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