Here we go again.
More of the Worst Tattoos
Bad Ideas come and go. But Bad Tats last forever.
Yo, yo, Scorpio! That is Unfogiveble, indeed!
Wow. Even the wolf looks shocked as hell you got that.
There had to be Tequila involved.
Dude! Mickey Mouse is so fuckin’ high! Got any Doritos?
That’s nice. It’s good to have an angle.
Yep. Tragedy.
Does that say “Root Don’t Diet”?
Yikes! Who knew Venus had such big man hands?
Obviously, your Street Degree isn’t in spelling.
LOL! I have to say that a great use for weird body hair!
Nice hairline… literally.
Simply Irresistiby.
Well, glad to see you finally grew a pair. Even if it is under your arm.
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