The Creepiest Creepy Santas Ever
Funny, yhese scary Santas have no doubt scarred a great many innocent children for life. And why not? What’s more deranged than sitting your beloved child down on a strange man’s lap? But that’s one of the great joys of Christmas. So let’s all get in the warm holiday spirit by heading to the shopping mall for our annual creepy Santa pictures. They’ll create lovingly memorable nightmares we shall never forget!
Unibrow Santa & his Posse of Death.
House Call Santa – checking a child for appendicitis.
When you can’t afford a picture at the mall, there is always Homeless Santa.
Botox Santa who should have never scheduled plastic surgery so close to Christmas.
The Breech Birth of Santa.
That Scary Santa that lives in the woods behind The Home Depot.
Santa with yet another newly acquired Puppet Child.
Santa Valium.
He sees you when you’re sleeping, he lusts when you’re awake…
If they run out of candy canes, Santa has tons of candy for kids in his van.
Nuclear Holocaust Survivor Santa.
Photobomb Santa.
Scotch and Soda Santa.
Evil Uncle Santa.
The longer you stare at it, the creepier it gets.
The “When You Just Can’t Even” Santa.
“Hellooooooo! Welcome to the Pleasure Dome.”
Another failed attempt at escape.
“Screw you, mom.”
The Original Bad Santa.
Oh, how he loves to watch you squirm.
Santa… Looking to Negotiate.
As if being in the hospital isn’t scary enough.
The Held Down By the Man Santa.
Divorced Santa who will “no way in hell” give up custody.
Another rough morning after another rough night.
Dollar Store Santa.
Santa… pondering how in the world will he ever be able to let her go.
I think Santa is a little unhappy with their Momma for allowing all the Holiday Ho makeup.
Santa and that creepy guy around the corner that still lives in his mom’s basement.
Trust no one.
When Santa cracks…
Let’s see, creepy clowns? A nun? A demented Santa? All the right elements for a Stephen King novel.
Finally… Payback.
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