Like when you need to apologize for being a thoughtless bastard
Or for when you fail live up to everyone else’s accomplishments
Or for when you truly are sorry yet have the perfect solution that will rectify the matter
Or that time you tried to help out by doing the laundry, only to ruin your girlfriend’s favorite outfits
Or after suffering that long bout of “Eeyore Syndrome”
Or after you had that monthly visit from Aunt Flo
Or when you’re brave enough to come out of hiding after Aunt Flo arrives
Or for when you want to say that he actually is good at something… sucking
Or for when you want to apologize ahead of time
Or after that first dinner with her family didn’t go so well
Or for that time you were only looking out for your own fate
Or when your actions spoke stronger than words
Or that time your beer goggles were working a little too well
Or that time you could have just said your “safe word”

Or perhaps that time you almost became George’s stepdad
Or when you were careless and haphazardly tossed your junk around
Or for that night you displayed your hatred of felines
Or that time you ruined another romantic lunch
Or when you want to apologize to your Ex for everything you’ve ever said or done, or you are preparing to say or do in the future
Or after that night your childhood trauma came back to haunt you
Or after you ordered for the both of you and realized that the Cobb Salads would have been a better choice
Or after you realized that you’re much stronger than you thought
Or for when you need to admit that your aim really sucks
Or for when your competitive spirit gets the best of you
Or when you’re either sorry for your actions or for just how bad he was
Or for when you totally destroyed his life
Or for that night things escalated a little too quickly
Or this one here that you really should get kudos for because you could have eaten it when you had the munchies
Or for those times when you’re really not sorry at all
And finally, when you need the ultimate apology and a cake just won’t suffice
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