34 Vintage Creepy Valentines Day Cards For Crazy Romantics

Happy Psychotic Valentine’s Day

1. As if quotation marks are really needed to drive home the point
35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


2. With love, from your crazy psycho incestuous sister
35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


3. I guess pen is a euphemism for something else
35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


4. They warned me that her love was transmittable
35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


5. I believe that there are laws against this
35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


6. Oh sure, all is grand until you’re bludgeoned to death by his crazy ex-girlfriend
35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


7. Did someone say “bludgeoned”?
35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


8. With Love, from Lorena Bobbitt
35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


9. Careful. I think he’s serious this time
35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


10. Hope those are just the measles and not something else
35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


11. I feel ashamed just looking at this
35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


12. If he asks ya to go hot tubbing, think twice
35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


13. Oh, leave it to Popeye to come right out and say what’s on his mind
35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


14. My, that’s a little presumptuous, wouldn’t you say?
35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


15. Who doesn’t place Ronald McDonald as Lord & Master above all others?




16. Stand back. It really is packing a load
35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


17. I’m calling Human Resources
35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


18. For those looking to get even during a messy divorce
35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


19. Stalker
35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


20. Wow. That escalated quickly
35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


21. yep. In a big weigh…. A big flaccid weigh
35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


22. My heavens! Is that all it takes?
35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


23.  Oh, great. Now I have this disturbing image to haunt my dreams for all eternity
35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


24. C’mon, kids! Let’s all play inside the abandoned refrigerator!
35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


25. From the masochist with low self-esteem
35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


26. Please be a little more direct, I’m not sure I’m getting it
35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


27. Does meth make you wanna kill, too?

35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


28. Thank you, pussy cat

35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


28. Another bad break-up
35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


29. What the hell are fuzzy worms… Ohhhh!


35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


30. Frankly, I think she stole his eyes and other body parts
35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


31. Hope that’s not his wife in the bucket
35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


32. Shot through the heart and you’re to blame…
35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


33. WTF???
35 of the Creepiest Vintage Valentine's Day Cards Ever!


34. Word to the wise: Never partake in a clown’s forbidden fruit
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