22 Funny Family Photos That Might Make You Go Blind

Great Family Pictures, Awkwardly Speaking–


Who’s ready to swing?

Awkward vintage 1950s snapshot of nerdy couple on couch


The day young Tony Pluta was raptured.

Awkward vintage 1990s school picture of nerdy boy with big teeth and laser beams


The only thing more amazing than what you find under the seat cushions is what you find lurking behind the Davenport.

Awkward family portrait with men behind couch


The Prince of Darkness. Still single.

Awkward nerdy teen boy in batman sports coat


Suddenly, off camera to his left, Jerry spotted reality.

Awkward portrait of man and baby in fairy costumes


Prom night for the Dickey girls in Sweet Home Alabama.

Awkward snapshot of girls on prom night with confederate flag and guns


The stealth of a leopard. The eyes of a jackal. Never under-estimate Don.

Awkward vintage snapshot of man in leopard leotard in karate pose


The exact moment Susan realized they had found her vibrator.

Woman in car at Safari Park with monkeys ripping apart her luggage


Larry. Gansta Accountant of  Des Moines, Iowa.

Awkward portrait of nerdy guy being gangsta with gun and money



Aunt Jean had an answer for everything… It was called, “Scotch”.

Awkward vintage snapshot of grandma smoking cigarette and drinking 1950s


Again on her weekly jaunt to Walmart, Darleen found a way to smuggle out an extra roll.

Awkward snapshot of woman in Walmart parking lot with toilet paper hanging from her pants


Bedazzling to all the ladies, Frank Chang an his incredible 9 inch Harmonica.

Awkward portrait of man with harmonica


Though grandpa wasn’t born in a pumpkin patch, he made damn sure he died in one.

Awkward snapshot of naked grandpa covered in pumpkin vines & leafs


Darn you, mom.Snapchat shot of boy in school picture wearing Spongebob pajamas. Mom had her days infused


Though Mary was in her happy place, her kids were in living hell.

Awkward portrait of mom and goofy kids dressed in dance leotard 1980s


Grandma. Free & loose.

Awkward snapshot of grandma riding on shopping cart in parking lot


The closest Nick every came to touching a boob in high school.

Awkward shot of boy with model with Tin Tin on his t-shirt touching the girl's boob


Looks like someone’s not on board with the happy train.Awkward photo of mad, frowning girl on happy train


Despite feeling uncomfortable in his own skin, Barry found something extremely satisfying inside of canine.

Awkward portrait of person in dog costume holding dog plan mills


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