Funniest Snapchats for the Time Being
1.) Like this one from when the women of Corellia gathered.
2.) Or this from the Taco Truck that can read between the lines.
3.) Or this one of the guy who thinks his ride is so much better than everyone else’s
4.) And this of the Dick’s Sporting Goods Masochist.
5.) Or this one that almost blows his cover.
6.) And this one that proves how progressive you can be.
7.) And this from the guy who know how low you can go.
8.) Or this one that proves that Rick really doesn’t know which way to roll.
9.) Whatever.
10.) Or this from the graduate with very proud parents.
11.) And this from the guy with a premonition of world devistation.
12.) And this from the girl who accepts herself.
13.) Or this guy who’s really going places.
14.) And this from the guy who’s seriously considering re-enlisting.
15.) And this one from the Land of Dopplegangers.
16.) Or this from the girl what a hunger for Eye Talon food.
17.) Or this one that makes you glad you took the train.
18.) And this from the guy who’s gotta wear shades.
20.) Or this of from the girl who so now wishes she had gotten a cat instead.
21.) And this from the woman who’s about to bed down with bedding.
22.) Or this where the only thing missing is the ice truck.
23.) And this from the girl who’s strongly thinking about moving out.
24.) Or this of the small business owner during a slow period.
25.) And this of the dog that nails impersonations.
26.) And this dog that needs to get his face did.
27.) And this… no comment.
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