38 Wonderfully Weird Things Found in Thrift Stores

One Man’s Trash is Another’s Man’s Junk


Cool. I always wanted to smell like Abe Lincoln.

Abraham Lincoln cologne ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


Damn you, Mrs Leonard! She made that just for you!

picture frame teacher student thank you mrs leonard ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


Is that Walter White from Breaking Bad massaging the foot of a woman with Elephantiasis?

strange painting of man massage woman's foot ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


Wow. Kinda looks like a white, blond-haired Obama.

man's head ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


Nice. A Bach Door Monkey Hummel.

bach baroque monkey playing piano harpsichord statue ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


Santa Tranny.
crocheted doll mrs claus santa tranny ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


It’s a bird… It’s a plane… No, it’s…
Super Kegel ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


Gee, Mom, you’re as ungrateful as Mrs. Leonard.

Ceramic urn pot to the best mom ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


Looks like like someone’s udderly drunk.

drunk cow with milk on his lips stuffed animal ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


It looks like it’s pooping.

creepy statue pooping ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


Now if he can unlock that lock with the key on his head… Bravo, my man!

creepy painting slave black ma in chains with lock in crotch and key on his head ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


C’mon, girls. Let’s get Sassy!

Sassy the Game 1980s ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


Drink up to the World’s Longest Military Conga Line.

salzbergwerk berchtesgaden mug beer stein ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


Who wouldn’t want multiple coasters of an old romantic Hawaiian couple they do not know?

coasters of old couple ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


Careful. They’re spring loaded.

I only know ‘cuz Smitty, my grandparents next-door neighbor, had one.

wooden statues africans boobs and penis on springs ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


This is still on the rack? HOW? I want this suit!

purple plaid suit ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


Something tells me a worker in China was shot by the government over this.
people power doll ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


Awesome. Tripping hunting dogs.

weird painting hunting dogs on LSD ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


Nothing can build your confidence more than the Self Esteem Moose.

No wait… I’m sorry. It’s just a moose with self esteem.

moose self steam hanger ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


Those monks look like they got shot in the movie Terminator II.

monks statue ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


Come to think of it, there are a lot of soccer players around the world named Jesus.

jesus kicking soccer ball ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


That’s just disturbing. I now hate clowns even more.

creepy book incest three real stories ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


Who woulda guessed?

holly hobby doll i am a doorstop ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


The T-shirt for the true Romantic at heart.

Funny T-shirt: I love romantic walks on the beach after anal ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


Or shatter them…

how to make your dreams come true video ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


Grandma,  playing the Bongo Balls again.

old woman sewing boys pants crotch ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


What’s up with those screw holes? What on earth would you screw those creepy onto?

creepy masks statues of old man woman grandpa grandma ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


Wow. It’s old AND unopened! Must be worth a fortune!

Plus it will go great alongside my Stephen Hawking action figures.
albert einstein action figure ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


You know what’s weird. Sometime long ago someone said, “You know what will sell? Dopey newlywed dolls stuffed in a mayonnaise jar!” Even stranger, someone answered, “That’s a great idea. I’ll bank roll it!”

dopes in jar ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


Creepy Disco Santa.

creepy santa claus doll ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


Perfect to hang over any child’s bed.

creepy painting of girl ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


“Excuse me, miss. I’ve got this jar at home. Would you have anything good with which I could cover that jar?”

old glass jar cover topper head ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


Buddha raising the roof before playing a football game?

Buddha arms up raising the roof ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


Nothing pulls a room together quite like a lion with his balls pointed up towards the heavens.

Glass topped table with lion base, spread legs balls hanging out ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


Gee, that sounds great. Fun for all Isis.

beheaded gage ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores



bacon tuxedo puzzle ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores

So, so wrong. Even for the Salvation Army.
bayberry candle produced by the retarded politically incorrect ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores


Not sure if that mouse pad will make a guy’s carpal tunnel better or lead to making it worse.

Hooters Mouse Pad ~ Weird Things found in thrift stores

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