17 Regretfully Bad Tattoos You Can’t Unsee

Ugly Inkings. Stupid Ideas. Life-Long Regrets.

More of the Worst Tattoos

Funny Faced Lion ~The Ugliest Worst Bad Tattoos


It appears that ol’ Marilyn Monroe got some work done.

Terrible Marilyn Monroe Tat on back ~The Ugliest Worst Bad Tattoos


There was was a nimrod with a tat gun was…

There once was a little girl was bad grammar ~The Ugliest Worst Bad Tattoos


Why I shop at Target.

Walmart on knuckles ~The Ugliest Worst Bad Tattoos


Why does he have a pickle for a mustache?

Terrible pirate ~The Ugliest Worst Bad Tattoos


Real creepy.

Real Lies Real Eyes Realize ~The Ugliest Worst Bad Tattoos


So, let me get this straight, Ms. Rocket Scientist… When you put the transfer paper on your leg it read, “snilloC lihP”, and you really thought it would read correctly when you were done?

Phil Collins Backwards, first tattoos ~The Ugliest Worst Bad Tattoos



No Shame on stomach ~The Ugliest Worst Bad Tattoos


Yes, I’m sure you are a very busy person.

My Time is Money, dollars, pot leaf, ak ~The Ugliest Worst Bad Tattoos


Then blood then what?

Misspelled family runs deeper then blood ~The Ugliest Worst Bad Tattoos



misspelled in the beginning wast the word ~The Ugliest Worst Bad Tattoos


Got my mind on my money and my money on my mind…

Hundred dollar bill on forehead ~The Ugliest Worst Bad Tattoos


I finally have a reason to love the movie “Ghost”.

Ghost Patrick Swayze Demi Moore parody ~The Ugliest Worst Bad Tattoos pottery


No thanks. You can keep it in the family.

family first ~The Ugliest Worst Bad Tattoos


Wish I could read the saying. I think it says, “Fame is temporary. Mory is forever. Fear Makeup”

creepy face ~The Ugliest Worst Bad Tattoos

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