12 GIFs of People Who Make The Same Face in Every Pic

Every Picture Tells a Story, The Same One

Forget about being two-faced, as these funny gifs prove, these celebrities truly have only one.

It may take a sec to load, but sit still. It’s worth it!

Lindsay Lohan



Celebrities that make the same face in every picture ~ Beyonce

This Duck-Face Girl

Celebrities that make the same face in every picture ~ Duck-Face Girl

Paris HiltonCelebrities that make the same face in every picture ~ Paris Hilton

Nick JonasCelebrities that make the same face in every picture ~ Nick Jonas

Open Mouth Girl

Celebrities that make the same face in every picture ~ Mouth Open Girl

Lady Gaga

Celebrities that make the same face in every picture ~ Lady Gaga

Paula Dean

Paula Dean

Toothy Girl

Celebrities that make the same face in every picture ~ Plastic Smile

Summer Glau

Celebrities that make the same face in every picture ~ Summer Glau

Kristen Stewart

Celebrities that make the same face in every picture ~ Kristen Stewart


Celebrities that make the same face in every picture ~ Brock

source: Smosh

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