Disturbingly Strange Toys
1. Ever wonder where a horse gets its tail?
2. Harry Potter & The One Pink Hand.
3. Is it a bird? Is it short bus? No! It’s Specialman!
4. Teletubby Phone has seen some shit.
5. “My name is Robert. But you can call me Bob Cop.”
6. “Just kill me.”
7. Yep. Doesn’t look like a penis one bit.
8. Iceberg-bot sold separately.
9. Because the name “Woody” wasn’t suggestive enough.
10. A throwback to the good ol’ days when dolls looked like they legitimately wanted to murder you in your sleep.
11. Spiderman, Spiderman. Your friendly hung Spiderman.
12. Because who doesn’t want to role play TSA airport security?
13. Repeat: This is not a dildo.
14. Puberty hits hard and heavy in Japan.
15. I saw the face of god and it was weeping.
16. Re-live the teeth-pulling fun of the dentist with this drill’n’fill Play-Doh set. Novocaine sold separately.
17. There’s a reason good ol’ Jolly was featured in the movie Poltergeist.
18. Just put your lips together and blow.
19. And finally, Russian roulette. FOR KIDS!
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