23 Funny Family Photos That’ll Jog Your Awkward Memories

Weirdly Strange Funny Family Pics

Just be thankful we haven’t dug out pictures from your picture albums… yet!
Funny Awkward Family Photos: Portrait, boy peeing in background


While everyone else said, “Cheese”, Jerry said to himself, “Christ, what will happen if my other family in Sandusky sees this picture?”

Funny Awkward Family Photos: portrait 1970s mustache


For Grandma and Grandpa Cunningham, the ball dropped precisely at 7:00 pm.
Funny Awkward Family Photos: Vintage snap of old couple celebrating New Years, 1950s


Every Christmas, the Johnson brothers tried their best not to snicker at Grandma Pearl’s Peter Bread.



Officer McCluskey, always the loyal public servant.

Funny Awkward Family Photos: Cleveland cop helping with beer bong


Removing the plastic coverings from her living room furniture made Carol feel so naughty.

Funny Awkward Family Photos: Vintage color snapshot of grandma in pink chair, early 1960s


You may have been stoned, but I guarantee you’ve never been “Jerry Stoned.”

Funny Awkward Family Photos: stoned boy eating uncooked frozen pizza


Carla’s presence sent a chill through the neighborhood. Just look at mom’s shirt for proof of that.

Funny Awkward Family Photos: portrait, creepy girl outcast


Aunt Jean and her friends from “Mexico” ; )

Funny Awkward Family Photos: woman at kitchen table with aliens


Nobody can tailor a jumpsuit out of discarded Sudafed wrappers quite like Marna.

Funny Awkward Family Photos: fashion fail, woman in metallic mesh bodysuit


Gary sure spoiled the hell out of that cow.

Funny Awkward Family Photos: taking a cow for a ride in station wagon


As Donna will attest, it’s good to have a poison tester.

Funny Awkward Family Photos: eating cake, girl choking


Koslowski’s Taxidermy: Mounting Animals, Fowl & Grandparents since 1947.

Funny Awkward Family Photos: old couple with stuffed peacocks


Bat Girl’s mom celebrates New Years with family and friends.
Funny Awkward Family Photos: vintage color snaps, women in costumes celebrating New Years, 1960s


“Next stop… ice cream, fudgesicles and candy bars.”

Funny Awkward Family Photos: people on Rascals in Walmart


The last picture of little Evelyn Clark.

Funny Awkward Family Photos: Kid, girl sticking her face in a cannon


Shhhhhh… do not Awaken the Force.

Funny Awkward Family Photos: boy dressed in Darth Vader costume holding a baby


The last day Todd worked for Crate and Barrel.

Funny Awkward Family Photos: man with whole glass stuck in his mouth


Being born without a spine made it difficult for Sara to sit on the davenport without slipping off.

Funny Awkward Family Photos: vintage color snap, 1960s, woman standing on her head


She loves the fresh eggs.  It’s the constant mess they make that drives Rebecca bonkers.

Funny Awkward Family Photos: woman vaccuuming back yard, chickens



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