Accidental Racism: 29 Obviously Bad Examples

Oh, Know You Didn’t! Accidental Racism!

These racist signs, ads, and products are most likely unintentional, which might make it okay to laugh. Then again, they are still so wrong!


Accidental Racism~ white power tooth place


Accidental Racism~ White City, a great place to live


Accidental Racism~ Wonder Bread Smart White Kids


Accidental Racism~ baby book, time for a bath, clean baby


Accidental Racism~ swastika wall shelf


ç standout from the rest


Accidental Racism~ Run like you stole something, cross country


Accidental Racism~ If you're this tall you're a yellow person


Accidental Racism~ Life Cereal


Accidental Racism~ Black Holiday Shoppers news reports


Accidental Racism~ Gook Okay Go


Accidental Racism~ white kid alone in the dark t-shirt


Accidental Racism~phne


Accidental Racism~ Flavors of Negors restaurants


Accidental Racism~ Equality, even if your normal


Accidental Racism~ Watermelon dipping sticks


Accidental Racism~ Target: Black kid's computer table\


Accidental Racism~ black & white barbies, black Barbies cheaper


Accidental Racism~ Did someone blink? Photo














Accidental Racism~ Vanilla Chocolate T-shirts on servers


Accidental Racism~ Black Waiters Corck Screw


Accidental Racism~ Blacks For Sale


Accidental Racism~ African American Museum, Sedgwick County Jail signs


Accidental Racism~ Burlington Mall: Blacks Reloating to Serve You Better


Accidental Racism~ street musician gets fried chicken legs in guitar can gif

source: Pleated Jeans

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